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  • Hard to believe
  • Hello Alexander, Why don't you release FR3 with the documentation where you are at! Just release the docs as a work in progress. I am sure many of us will do without Let's start debugging FR3 once and for all Pierre
  • Hello Omik_1, What you could do is post the image(pdf) in the other FR forum at So maybe someone else had the same issue and solved it. Pierre
    in QR vs RF Comment by Pierre March 2004
  • Hello, "I find lots of drawbacks though". If you find so many drawbacks, what are you still doing here? Seriously, are you saying that you could choose QR over FR??? There must be something you did not get... you better continue testing. …
    in QR vs RF Comment by Pierre March 2004
  • Hello Jaguarius, Unfortunatly there is nothing to do about it. You have to redo your report from scratch. I think this problem was introduced with FR2.50. If the report was saved with 2.50, sometimes it could cause this problem. I have seen tw…
  • Hello, It's been discussed many times. Yes, it will be thread safe. Regards Pierre
  • Hello, This has been an ongoing process for me too. It's publicly known that FR'support is not the best in the business... I wrote to Alexander a few weeks ago and I asked him what was the matter, that we never see him anymore in the ng. I rep…
  • Hello, you can add a script directly in the memos. begin memo := ''; if [MyTable."Field"] >0 then memo := 'US$'+[MyTable."Field"]; end; Pierre
  • Hello, I think we would need a global variable that we could fill on a event like OnGetValue. A bit like this if Object = Memo1 then GlobVar := memo1.value if Object = Memo2 then GlobVar := GlobVar +';'+ memo2.value; And in the preview we …
  • Hello Ali, Sounds good. It looks like you have already done that. Can I use you expertise? Let's say I have a row in a detail band, with 5 memos on it. I want that the enduser could click on any of the five memos and from that I want to generate…
  • Hello, DrillDown report are the possibilty for a enduser to be able to double-clic on a area on the preview to generate another report. For instance, your enduser call a report for a total of its sales by month. Wtih the drilldown functionnali…
  • Hello, I should have asked : Anybody that knows what it is... and misses that functionnality.
  • FWIW, never use date, description, name etc. Those are often reserved words for database(ex.sql). Is the property UseDefaultDataSetName of the report is set to true. Never tried it though.
  • Hello, I don't see why you could not print on a pos printer using FastReport. I have done that a while ago and i could print. (easily done, I don't see the problem) Although, I don't use FastReport when printing using a pos printer, it's too s…
  • Hello, [DATE] = system variable [MyTable."DATE"] = field Regards Pierre
  • Hello, I don't work with Win2K, but with WinXp I had to define the custom size on the server properties. HTH Pierre
  • Hello Alex, No I did not try the FAQ. I will try it and let you know. What is confusing is the fact that it's working with the driver that I've got on 3 machines already out of 5. Anyway, I'll try recomling the package without the comments and…