Drilldown report
Anybody else but me misses the drilldown funtionnality that every other report generator have on the planet, except FastReport (and maybe QR also, to be fair, i don't know).
Anybody else but me misses the drilldown funtionnality that every other report generator have on the planet, except FastReport (and maybe QR also, to be fair, i don't know).
I should have asked :
Anybody that knows what it is... and misses that functionnality.
DrillDown report are the possibilty for a enduser to be able to double-clic on a area on the preview to generate another report.
For instance, your enduser call a report for a total of its sales by month. Wtih the drilldown functionnality, he could double-clic on a total for a month and he could generate rigth away all the invoices that totalize the summary total from the first report.
In fact, we need a event where all memos could be clickable in the preview. In a double-clic event you could insert the code to generate the report you need, or in fact anything you need.
For summary reports, you could be able to generate all invoices(in the example above) and in a detail report, you could be able to bring back where the transactions was made. ( the .pas where it originates)
All competitors have this now, except us. I hope V3 will have it. I also hope the V3 brings stuff worth the rewrite that we will have to do, cause if only the look has change and a few minors improvements, I am simply out of here. We waited so long for V3 that it better be extra extra good. I am a old FR user, like the tool but I am very disapoointed with the length of time for the release of V3. I simply need the drilldwon funtionnality cause I intend to rewrite or improve all my reports before commercialisation(to a bigger scale) of my products. Will the rewrite be with FR or RB, we will see soon I guess.
and then use this values to generate details report.
Regards Ali sharkas
Sounds good. It looks like you have already done that. Can I use you expertise? Let's say I have a row in a detail band, with 5 memos on it.
I want that the enduser could click on any of the five memos and from that I want to generate the drilldown report. How can I get infos(text) from the other memos that need. For instance, I need the text from Memo2 and Memo3 to generate the drilldown, but I want that the enduser could click on Memo1, Memo4 and Memo5 and get the value(text) from Memo2 and Memo3? In fact from
anywhere where there is text i want to be able to generate the drilldown report.
From your previous message, you said to use then .Tag. In the obp of the band would I need to fill the .tag of every memos on the
detail band with the infos that i need or there is another way of doing this?
I think we would need a global variable that we could fill on a event like OnGetValue. A bit like this
if Object = Memo1 then GlobVar := memo1.value
if Object = Memo2 then GlobVar := GlobVar +';'+ memo2.value;
And in the preview we could use the OnObjectClick and if the GlobVar <> nil then
take the values of GlobVar semi-colon separated.
If only Alexander could pass by once on a while and give us his thoughts on this!