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I'm afraid I don't understand 'use frxReport1.DesignReport'. Do you mean that I should extract my .fr3, .dfm, and .pas files to a stand-alone project that invokes frxReport1.DesignReport when I run it?
Alternatively, how do I run the Fast Reports Designer from a command shell? What does the command look like it I run it from a Windows command shell?
And now, after updating Windows, it sometimes crashes and sometimes does not. This may be a RAD Studio problem. My google search results have pointed to IDE problems. Can anyone suggest an equivalent method to invoke Fast Reports Designer besides d…
I uninstalled the update and now I can use the designer.
We have a fix. My "italic" difference was because, although I did not have Roboto Mono Bold installed, I did have Roboto Mono Bold Italic installed. The system used the closest font it had. So, my fix was to use PDF/A-2A (which I understa…
It appears that I had Roboto Mono Bold Italic installed, but not Roboto Mono Bold, so the code was using the using the next best font when it discovered that I didn't have Roboto Mono Bold. I still don't know how that happened.... Even stranger, ho…
AFAIK, all devices are running the same versions of Win 11 and Adobe Acrobat. In fact, I also replicated these results with Edge, Chrome, and FireFox. I could not find any relevant differences in the software settings between the machines. If user…
Yes, I did restore defaults and still couldn't find it. I later discovered the sneaky scoundrel hiding behind another window!
I found the object inspector pane hiding behind the report tree pane. Amazing that googling 'Fast Reports object inspector pane' and many variations of that phrase yielded nothing helpful except the pane names at Designer | FastReport VCL (fast-rep…
I found my answer in How to upgrade an old version to a new FastReport VCL | Fast Reports (fast-report.com): "Also, after the uninstall, you need to check for the presence of "frx*.bpl" in the folders C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Window…
I have emailed a winrar compressed file containing my demo project.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Fast Reports and the crash disappeared, but when I ran RAD Studio 11, I encountered several popup error messages because it was trying to load Fast Reports code from the 2024.2.4 folder and I had just installed 2024.2.6…
I did a repair, but that did not fix the problem. The text for the repair option states: Repair installation errors. This option corrects any missing or corrupt files, shortcuts, or registry entries. If frx28.bpl was corrupt, repair should have fi…
The editor removed my spacing! Imagine a gap between column3 and column4 wide enough to fit the title into. That is what I was attempting to illustrate.
That's a great answer if the object already exists, but I'm calling AddPrintable to add a printable object that doesn't already exist. I think the correct answer is InsertComponent, but I'm still testing that theory. So this Quick Reports line: …
Thanks for your response. It probably saved me from wasting time!
Report.Engine.NewPage got me past this particular problem. Thanks Fast Reports people!
Ticket 931522 has been created. I discovered that I can display underlines using font properties and set the Underlines property to False, but it still affects the entire line. The font and underline property seem to be independent of one another.
Thanks for your response! 2023.2.1 is the version of Fast Reports I am using, and I am setting the properties of a TfrxMemoView Object. Originally, I had set the Underlines property to True and the UnderlinesTextMode to ulmUnderlinesText, then I t…