StartNewPage not working in some instances

My contracts report consists of the following bands:

page header


master data



The contract number is part of the page header, and when that changes, I need to print a summary from the child band and skip to a new page. The problem is that even though I set child.StartNewPage := True, Fast Report does not skip to a new page.

It seems that every band has a StartNewPage; would one work better than another? Perhaps I should try the StartNewPage in page header?

I began this project with the child being a report summary (TfrxReportSummary), but I changed it because the band didn't "wake up" when it should. I set PrintChildIfInvisible := True on the master data band, and when I set masterData.visible := False, it does "wake up". Might a report summary do a better job of paging, though?

The header and footer separate subcategories within a contract, but they don't page and haven't caused any problems.


  • Report.Engine.NewPage got me past this particular problem. Thanks Fast Reports people!

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