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  • I solved the problem so that I print several two page reports. There are 17 rows in one two page report 9+8. So I filter first from the dataset with dataset filter rows 1-17 and print the two page report. Then I filter next 17 rows and print the …
  • Yes, that is how it works. I cannot easily find any application for such a report. Just imaging e.g. first 3 sides of an invoice are like page1 and last 2 like page2. Maybe some many page brochure. But imagine a many page product leaflet, one c…
  • gordk wrote: » set report print options collate to true. Thanks for your suggestion. I tried it, but the collation seems not to have any effect. I made a dataset of 6 records and a report of two pages almost the same. On both there is pa…
  • It is not so simple, if you have other than original Delphi components you may be in trouble. I have not been able to install FR3 in D6 Enterprise because I have TeeChart 7 Pro. FastReport should be more specific when giving these kind of statem…
  • Tanks Joerg for your hint. I made again the neccessary modifications for TeeChart 7 Pro and recompiled with the FR's program. When I tried to install, the same error again, never-build package Tee76 has to be compiled. As I propably mentioned e…
  • I have removed all bpls but no help. Today I installed TChart 6 Pro = TChart66, which is "official" TeeChart package for D6 according to FR3 inc. I could compile fs6.dpk but that was all. Other packages required Tee, which I do not have in this c…