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gpi wrote: » gpi wrote: » Is it possible in Fastreport to change the 'order' before grouping ? This is not FR task, FR use dataset. You should close query, change query text and open query again thx !
I use the following way : 1/ before saving I Create a TSaveDialogwith the good filters 2/ if SaveDialog.Execute = true I use SaveDialog.FileName for the report export name.
No special package, all is included but may be you need *.frc for your language.
Why don't use PDF instead ? PDF format is well displayed by all browsers.
gpi wrote: » Attach your report template (fr3) here done...
1/ As I see it seems more efficent to print all in one report and use Group in report to make the job. 2/ Also you may considere to use the result of print function to wait the end : if GS_Journal.Print then begin end; next; not sure but U …
gordk wrote: » try designing the chart using 2 series and set which series you want active. chart1.Series[0].Active := false; chart1.Series[1].Active := true; see the usermanual on charts Thx for answer. I tried it and have an error (acce…
gpi wrote: » Did you hide a legend? No. You have the same problem with FR5 examples : in Main/chart2 example, the TfrxChartView fit the page but the charts width are 2/3 of the width page.
Very strange : when compare some memo (OK vs No OK) I found that the problem seems to be from the Font.Charset="1" property in my fr3 file. All is OK when I supress it.
flogger123 wrote: » Hi Phil. Is this this 64 or 32 bit version. 32bit works good for me. Might as well try that too. W7 is 64 bit. I compile in 32 bits.
gordk wrote: » Sorry i didn't get to them sooner Peter I was on holidays a lot of bad but from the same user : -asd123- remains...
Thank you for the idea but, in fact, I can't use the ALT+code because this dictionnary variable is the Regional Setting Currency from Windows sent by the program. So some times it is '??¬' sometimes '$' etc. My Delphi programm looks like : Â Â Â …
It's OK thank you !
Use the 'OnBeforePrint' event. You can see some explainations in the FAQ and the forum. See my post 'how to load external rtf file'
Dear all, The reply for the blob is clear. For information I post the solution (yet in the forum I know !) for loading the *.rtf in the code : procedure TFMReport.frReport1BeforePrint(Memo: TStringList; View: TfrView); begin If View.Name='RichTitr…
According to me there is no native PDF export function in FR 2.52, only with 3rd party components
for the summary you have the demo : Live/table of content. for the index the same way is good.
no, no solution today for loading the *.rtf in teh report. Do you need the solution for loading in the Delphi code ?
I am not sure but it seems to me that when you use a variable the result is affected at the begining of the report execution so before all the calculations. So the best way is to use the same code, but in the 'OnBeforePrint' of the band of memo w…
HI 2 ideas (sorry only ideas not solutions) : 1/ Your report is 'corrupted' may be the best way is to copy a good one and make it again ! 2/ I fixed some pbs in my code with memecheck. Very easy to use (even if not well documented) : http:/…
finalfiler wrote: finalfiler wrote: Strange ! One needs only to be caught out once. And then they will never, ever consider buying third party components again without the code. I know this. From experience I am not sure…
Yes, we all understand, as in software support it is not very to always make the same answers to the same questions...but ... in these cases can't you have a 'standard' reply like : The answer is in the doc and/or in the doc and/or in the forum …
You can try : IN Delphi, you create a variable for the report with the connectionstring (sTemp here) for your base : frReport1.Dictionary.Variables := '''' + sTemp + ''''; IN the report you have DATABase1 as a tfrADODataBase Insert in the…
"Noone buys components used in production without source. That's suicide.. So I can't see why you have other versions. Those who buy components without source are just plain stupid. " Strange ! I used components since many years & i not alwa…
use the frReport.Dictionary.Variables property. In Delphi it's look like : frReport1.Dictionary.Variables := 'message'; You will have the Variable TEST in the Variables list in the report IDE.
Thank U it's OK !!
I think that the problem is not in FastReport (or in other report tool). If you wel know the customers' current needs (filters & orders) you may prepared it in a form with Delphi, when the customer have made his choices, he click on a button,…
what do you want to do with 'dimanche' ? The the best way is, if the variable 'jour' exists is like : if ([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 1) then jour := 'dimanche'
try the propertie ReportPassword of the TfrReport
eh..not very clear.. Can you explain what you have in your Datbase & what you want on the report ? (with a real example) sorry for my english too..