Contents summary and index

I am testing Fastreport but I do not see the possibility to create a contents summary (normaly at the beginning of the report) and an index (at the end).

Is this possible?


  • edited 5:01PM
    for the summary you have the demo : Live/table of content.
    for the index the same way is good.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 5:01PM
    Yes you can first reqirement is to make report 2 pass
    on the first pass you gather values/counts in arrays, on the final pass you sub the values in the arrays to display variables on the required design page, using
    if finalpass then blocks of code, use separate design page for contents and index
    and control their visibility according to which pass you are on.
    You could also run a report passout values to an external array
    run a report on the external array, then concantenate the reports by adding the emf pages of the first report to the second, there are many possibilities all you have to do is decided which way you want to do it.
    regards ;)

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