IF statement condition

Hi, I would like to do this in a group header:
[IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 1, Dimanche)]
[IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] == 1, Dimanche)]

the regroupement of the group header is

but this dont work.. ;) why? ;)



  • edited 5:01PM
    what do you want to do with 'dimanche' ?

    The the best way is, if the variable 'jour' exists is like :

    if ([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 1) then jour := 'dimanche'
  • edited 5:01PM
    Things that strike me with your 'IF' are:
    1. it is missing a parameter.
    2. if Dimanche is a variable it needs [] around it else if it is a string it needs quotes.

    [IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 1, 'Dimanche', 'Other')]
  • edited April 2004
    i did that:
    [IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 1, 'Dimanche', IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 2, 'Lundi', IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 3, 'Mardi', IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 4, 'Mercredi', IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 5, 'Jeudi', IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 6, 'Vendredi', IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 7, 'Samedi')))))))]:

    this work fine

    thanks for your help

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