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I think it's better to put the report as file in project resources and load with TResourceStream into the FastReport. Add the report file into resources from IDE menu Project->Resources and Images. Then: Â Â strm := TResourceStream.Create(HInst…
Both your functions are Test1. Below is a complete script. And I think it's better to open a ticket than to write in this forum. function Test1(aValue : boolean) : string; begin   result := iif(aValue, 'True', 'False');            …
With the upcoming Linux support FastReport FMX will need to be updated to support NEXTGEN compilers. If this will not be done it will be a serious drawback. There are also other steps for Android and iOS support but it will be closer.
In FR there are not sections and regions like in Rave. But you can do many things from script. You can transfer information setting parameters from code and use it in script. From my experience script is working very well in FR. In Rave 5 script w…
After i removed all *.bpl from "C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReport 5 VCL Proffessional\LibD23\" I was able to recompile for x32
For me 10 Seattle x32 recompile is not working. After install the recompile is compulsory (before it was not the case). But the recompile all for 10 Seattle x32 is not working. I started it as administrator like usual but it complains that: Canno…
Polomint wrote: » Have you tried the 5.2.15 update Christian? It has improved significantly, although still not 100% I will try it for the next version of our app in other VM with XE8.... But currently I have no leaks and it is in production…
If with "specs" you meant components properties then a copy-paste of the component will do the job. Data module is also ok. Best regards, Cristian Peta
Using 5.2.10 when I save a 50 pages document in PDF I have a memory increase of about 200MB for each save. This is a disaster even for a desktop app. For a server I have no words.... I think that someone do not bother because it took me half a day …
Polomint wrote: » Will revert to v5.2.4 (which was working AOK) until a patch version is available. 5.2.8 solved the AV but some fonts are missing and replaced by others (like my solution).
If you have sources you can try to find function TrueTypeCollection.LoadFont in unit frxTrueTypeCollection and add a line at the end like in example below. The effect will be that some fonts will be replaced with others but at least you will have t…
If you are sure that frmReport.frxReport1.ShowReport() is taking so long then you can try to decouple a little. Put a TDataSetProvider and a TClientDataSet between ADOQuery1 and frxDBDataSet1 ADOQuery1->DataSetProvider1->ClientDataSet1->f…
TDataSet.DisableControls See: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/X...DisableControls If you do not want to loose time searching for slow code you can use a profiler. Best regards, Cristian Peta
Your example do use Arial (not Arial Narrow) and with FR 5.1.8 and Delphi XE7 I do not have any issues. I do not have now "Arial Narrow" to test with because it comes with MS Office or other paid way. If you comment following line in TfrxPDFFont.C…
I can not reproduce and I think this depends on fonts you are using. I will want to try to reproduce with your font. You can put a breakpoint in frxTrueTypeCollection at line 170 Name := font.Name; and see all font names. I need the font name that …
If this happens in debug mode too you can post Call Stack. Insert all then Ctrl-C and post here.
If you compile for debug it is working? Try to build for release without optimizations. There is a issues with GetGlobalFont() function in frxExportPDF.pas. I have reported this but someone there said this is not an issue. From docwiki: htt…
Now I read again and I see what you need. I have a function for filtering and one similar for sorting. dl is a TDataModule Best Regards, Cristian Peta implementation uses SysUtils, Classes,  fs_iinterpreter; type   TFunctions = class(…
For custom functions you can use something like this code. From the report script you can call MyIntToHexFunction. Best Regards, Cristian Peta implementation uses SysUtils, Classes,  fs_iinterpreter; type   TFunctions = class(TfsRTTIMo…
Hello, I don't know if fastscript can handle this but you can create your custom function (see "custom components development"). procedure LoadPictureFromStream(AComponentName, AStreamName: String); Var   PV: TfrxComponent; begin   PV := fr…
Hello, I tried TomBaer's solution from this post and now my exports to PDF open corectly on iOS and Android http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/10148 Best Regards, Cristian Peta
zkusmo wrote: » frxReport.LoadFromStream(QuerySestava.CreateBlobStream(TBlobField(QuerySestava.FieldByName('obsah')),bmRead)); Thanks, it all works OK. Hello, Almost OK. CreateBlobStream() returns a stream that you need to free. Esp…
Hello, actually my properties are published. Maybe is not enough to be public. I know, the user will see them. And Diff() is called only to store values after prepare the report. The FastReport store your values caling Diff(). And when show the…
Hello, I used C++ more than ten years ago and now I am a Delphi guy... but I hope I can help you. 1. Diff() works well with public properties. You must have a public property numero so FastReport can write into. __property int numero = {read=f…
VictorV wrote: » Cristian, could you explain me how to use "Diff" function? Hello If you post your component here I can take a look. Best Regards, Cristian Peta
Hello, Code128C is optimized for numeric. Two digits into one character so you can not have odd number of digits without changing to 128A or 128B for first or last digit. But this change is not handled now by FastReport Barcode. You can search …
Hello, Thank You Now I see my PDF's on iOS and Android. I can't believe it was so simple. Best Regards, Cristian Peta
Hallo, I have no experience with this but look a little at barcode component (TfrxBarCodeObject is not real FR component) for example. You need to create your own package with a fake component and IDE will show you component into the tool palett…
Hallo, try to search google with "Mixing C++Builder and Delphi code" Or maybe is easy to translate pascal to C. Recompiling FR is not necessary from what I know. Best Regards, Cristian Peta
Hallo, I attached an example of bitmap component that print the bitmap from a TBitmap array named MyImageList. Simply add FastReport_Comp to your uses clause and you have the component that print an image from your list. The image index is from …