FastReport very slow in generating reports!

edited December 2014 in FastReport VCL 5
Please let me know what is the problem! I have a stored procedure work very fast, shows about 1000 rows in just less than a sec, but FastReport takes too long maybe 15 minutes to generate the report using the same stored procedure!
I call the report using a procedure (because I have more than 20 reports in my program I wrote a procedure to call a specific report), the procedure code is as bellow:

  TReportParams = array [1 .. 100, 1 .. 2] of string ;

procedure ShowFastReport(ReportParam: TReportParams; ReportName: string; rptDataSource: TDataSource);
  Count: integer;
  Variable: TfrxVariable;
  tmp: string;
  if Software.DecimalQTY = 2 then
    SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'DisplayFormat', '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00);-;-')
    SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'DisplayFormat', '#,##0;(#,##0);-;-');
  SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'CustomerName', ShowCompanyName);
  SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'ReportName', ExtractFileName(ReportName));
  SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'UserName', CRMUser.UserName);
  SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'ReportDate', GetMessageBody(286) + CRMUser.GetDate);
  SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'WebURL', 'RayaCRM3:');
  for Count := 1 to frmReport.frxReport1.Variables.Count do
    if ReportParam[Count, 1] <> 'nil' then
      VIdx := frmReport.frxReport1.Variables.IndexOf(ReportParam[Count, 1]);
      if VIdx <> -1 then
        Variable := frmReport.frxReport1.Variables.Items[VIdx];
        Variable.Value :=  QuotedStr(ReportParam[Count, 2]) ;
  frmReport.frxDBDataset1.DataSource := rptDataSource;

On the frmReport form I have frxReport1 and frxDBDataset1 only. the report file (fr3) is attached to this post and there is nothing complicated inside the report! a Master detail attached to frxDataset1.

when I call the ShowFastReport procedure it shows me a blank report and after about 1 minute it fills page 1 and so on.

p.s: I am new on fast report and want to migrate from crystal reports to fast report. I download VCL 5 for delphi 2010. MS SQL 2008 R2 database - Operating system: Windows 7 - 32bit - SP1



  • gpigpi
    edited 1:12AM
    Did you disable controls for your Data source?
  • edited December 2014
    gpi wrote: »
    Did you disable controls for your Data source?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I am not sure if I got your meaning by disable controls of data source, but let me explain, except the report I am trying to generate, there is a cxGrid bounds to the same data source, when user click on the create report button, I call the procedure mentioned in my previous post, after I read your reply I add a line of code to unbound the grid and then call the procedure but result is same!
    procedure TUserProjects.btnCreateReportClick(Sender: TObject);
      ReportName: string;
    //Check If user has permission to run the report  
      if not CRMUser.HaveThisRight ((sender as TBitBtn).Tag, true) then
      ReportName := Software.ServerPath + '\FReports\UserProjectsNew.fr3';
    //Clear the report param list
    //validate report param list
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'UserCaption', GetMessageBody(666));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ReportCaption', GetMessageBody(288));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'RowCaption', GetMessageBody(314));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'LastDate', GetMessageBody(293));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ProjectLabel', GetMessageBody(291));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ProjectStep', GetMessageBody(290));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ProjectName', GetMessageBody(40));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'Target', CRMUser.UserName);
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'RequestDate', GetMessageBody(365));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'Reason', GetMessageBody(375));
    //call fastreport
      ShowFastReport(CrParams, ReportName, DMMain.dsUserProjects);
  • edited 1:12AM

    If you do not want to loose time searching for slow code you can use a profiler.

    Best regards,
    Cristian Peta
  • gpigpi
    edited 1:12AM
    Call rptDataSource.Dataset.DisableControls
  • edited 1:12AM
    Hi again
    after calling DisableControls result is same!
  • edited December 2014
    Okay, I made a little bit changes in my code, I added an ADOQuery to frmReport form and assigned it to frxDatabase dataset property, when I call ShowFastReport procedure I fill the SQL property of the ADOQuery to execute the stored procedure. the final code is as bellow:
    procedure ShowFastReport(ReportParam: TReportParams; ReportName, QueryStr: string);
      Count: integer;
      tmpComponent1: TfrxComponent;
      Database : TfrxADODatabase;
      Query: TfrxADOQuery;
      Variable: TfrxVariable;
      tmp: string;
      frmWaiting.ShowWaitingForm(GetMessageBody(541), GetMessageBody(141));
      if Software.DecimalQTY = 2 then
        SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'DisplayFormat', '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00);-;-')
        SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'DisplayFormat', '#,##0;(#,##0);-;-');
      SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'CustomerName', ShowCompanyName);
      SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'ReportName', ExtractFileName(ReportName));
      SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'UserName', CRMUser.UserName);
      SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'ReportDate', GetMessageBody(286) + CRMUser.GetDate);
      SetCrParam(ReportParam, 'WebURL', 'RayaCRM3:');
      for Count := 1 to frmReport.frxReport1.Variables.Count do
        if ReportParam[Count, 1] <> 'nil' then
          VIdx := frmReport.frxReport1.Variables.IndexOf(ReportParam[Count, 1]);
          if VIdx <> -1 then
            Variable := frmReport.frxReport1.Variables.Items[VIdx];
            Variable.Value :=  QuotedStr(ReportParam[Count, 2]) ;
      frmReport.ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := QueryStr;
      frmReport.ADOQuery1.Active := true;

    when user click on the Show Report button this code will call:
    procedure TUserProjects.btnPrint1Click(Sender: TObject);
      ReportName: string;
      if not CRMUser.HaveThisRight ((sender as TBitBtn).Tag, true) then
      QueryString := ' Exec sp_GetUserAllProjectsnp  @UserCode = ' + IntToStr(CRMUser.UserCode) +
                     ',@Keyword = ' + QuotedStr(Search.Text);
      ReportName := Software.ServerPath + '\FReports\UserProjectsNew.fr3';
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'UserCaption', GetMessageBody(666));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ReportCaption', GetMessageBody(288));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'RowCaption', GetMessageBody(314));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'LastDate', GetMessageBody(293));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ProjectLabel', GetMessageBody(291));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ProjectStep', GetMessageBody(290));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'ProjectName', GetMessageBody(40));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'Target', CRMUser.UserName);
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'RequestDate', GetMessageBody(365));
      SetCrParam(CrParams, 'Reason', GetMessageBody(375));
      ShowFastReport(CrParams, ReportName, QueryString);

    As you see in the ShowFastReport I called DisableControls before calling ShowReport and after that I called EnableControls. but the result is same! [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> I really confused! I think the coding has no problem, If I enter ADOQuery1.SQL.Text manually and run the preview from report designer in generate the reports really fast, but when I set SQL.Text property in runtime and open the query it does not work as expected. I attachec 3 pictures of the frxReport1, frxDatabase and ADOQuery1 properties. If you gays want to see the code and check it yourself you can connect my PC using TeamViewer. thanks in advance[/img]
  • edited 1:12AM
    If you are sure that frmReport.frxReport1.ShowReport() is taking so long then you can try to decouple a little.
    Put a TDataSetProvider and a TClientDataSet between ADOQuery1 and frxDBDataSet1

    And you will open ClientDataSet1
  • edited 1:12AM
    Peta wrote: »
    If you are sure that frmReport.frxReport1.ShowReport() is taking so long then you can try to decouple a little.
    Put a TDataSetProvider and a TClientDataSet between ADOQuery1 and frxDBDataSet1

    And you will open ClientDataSet1

    thanks for the reply

    I will try it and let you know the result. I also decided to capture my screen and upload here to see how much slow it is!
  • edited December 2014
    Hi everybody
    I tried different ways and methods to resolve the problem but it seems there is something out of my control! With current method described on my last post (#7) it works great on windows 8 just 2-3 seconds to make the report but on windows 7 we have speed problem! 10-15 minutes to generate same report!
    any suggestion?
  • edited 1:12AM
    Do we have fast report support experts here in this forum or we are on our own?!
  • gpigpi
    edited 1:12AM
    Can you create a small demo project with problem based on standart Delphi's components and local database like MS Access?
  • edited 1:12AM
    Dear gpi
    Thank you for your reply,
    Creating a small project on Access database using standard Delphi components will completely change the situation I am now involved with, with current database and components I've already used, program works fine on Windows 8 but on windows 7 it has speed problem! in the design reporter also there is no problem. even in windows 7, If i click on preview it generate report really quick(design time).
    If you don't mind you can check the problem using team viewer.
  • edited 1:12AM
    For whom, they may face to similar problem, After upgrading to Windows 7 64bit the problem solved.

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