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I'm with LurkingKiwi on this. The problem with float does not come in the way you "write it", but in the way it is stored or manipulated which is most of the time out of the programmer's control. Comparing fixed value might be working for you at the…
At the moment I am avoiding the problem by using a JPG made from the WMF using an image manipulation software. It is inconveniant, but it works. Good to know that FR V6 has reworked the code.
stxLog wrote: » I've solved my problem, even if I don't really know how. (Maybe it's because i've moved my procedure on top, but I really don't know =/) As far as I know, it is not currently possible to inherit the code of the parent repor…
Peter M??ller wrote: » Hi, I'm currently converting my projects from Delphi XE2 to Delphi 10. I use Firebird SQL with DBExpress and Fast Report with group headers on most reports. Reports using group headers show the following error message:…
Buddy Handsoon wrote: » Hello guys, we recently started using Fast-Report in our company and we discovered the Searchfuction in the Preview, but the shortcut F3 to get to the next object is not really known to our customers, because they dont w…
nash wrote: » Hello, how I can have default inch in margin and centimeter, on my designer I have inch, but I copy the report to another computer margin shows in cm (centimeter) is there a way to change it and have it default to all my reports …
The GroupFooter is the clean way to do it. It takes less than two minutes to configure and it works as a charm. The reason why I even suggested the option #2 is because you said you wanted to put this information in a page footer. However, I do a…
Very interesting. Please inform us if you find more.
As far as I know, you don't need to distribute any packages. All the required sources are included in the application during the compile.
The field in your PageFooter will always print the value for the current record. FastReport do a DataSet.Next to navigate in all the data when printing your DataBand. When you only have one record, it stays on the same record after the DataSet.Ne…
Hias wrote: » my Date-Format is dd.mm.yyyy and it will be the same on all client PCs which will use this report in the end. So i think it would not be a good choiche if i switch to another Date-Time Format on my PC. So this err might be forced …
If you get a date error using the first code snippet, it is most likely because your string ( '26-12-2015' ) is not valid. Did you try to use a date that is in the format of the computer? I know my computer date format is "yyyy-mm-dd" and when I use…
Kai Inge Buseth wrote: » Hello. I'm struggling with simple things here, as a field in my qryOrderDetails named PRICE is at any level Aligned Right, at both Coloumn level and Persistent Field level, but the Fast Report Textcomponent does not …
jayE wrote: » I'm printing on a custom form. I'm using onprintreport event to ask the user to insert the proper form into the printer. I want to allow them to cancel printing if they don't have the form. I've tried assigning terminated := true, an…
I thought you were using DatumMontag as a script variable, but you are using it as a report variable. In your case, you need to use the method Get : procedure GroupHeader1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin Set ('DatumMontag','''26-12-201…
I forgot to clarify that the code above will always work (even in batch printing). Since in your example you are not printing in a batch, you could simply assign the text 'Page [Page#] of [TotalPages#]' to the MemoView in the start of the report. It…
When you want to do page numbering using the event/scripts, you need to set the Report.EngineOptions.DoublePass to true (it can be done by selecting the report in the report tree and by using the object inspector to change the properties. When Do…
If you want to use the variable DatumMontag, you need to remove the quote. Those quotes means that the text inside is not a variable, but the string that you are trying to convert as a date. Do as follow : StrToDate(DatumMontag)
I did not do much testing with large image size, but you can try to test if changing the following properties help to reduce the PDF size. frxPDFExport.Compressed (If True... output file is compressed, file-size is reduced but export time is incr…
Since all the record of your dataset are printed at the same time (when the job is sent to the screen or the printer), I would update the PrintDate for all record at once after the report is done printing. If you really want to update the data di…
If I understand correctly, you prepare only one generic copy of the report that you show to the user using FastReport default preview form. Then, the user use the print button on that form and select a number of copy on the dialog that open. Then, y…
Slyke wrote: » I was talking about fr3 files. I know that fr3-files are xml-files, but the content that has made at design time, isn't readable in the file. All the text that has been entered in memo-fields are shown as 044677777777C78976B5CYU…
Slyke wrote: » Is there a way to search in generated fr3-files? You can search for everything that has been added in the "code"-part, but you can't search on the items that are in design time. For exemple: I would like to know on which reports…
I just tested the install for the source code and it seems to be working fine. One thing worth mentionning is that all the source files have been modified with an added comment line at the bottom of the file. The comment is an hexadecimal chain. Is …
gordk wrote: » When using nested groups you must have the order by clause of the query supplying the data in the same order as the headers fr does not sort for you Hi, Thanks for your answer. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smil…
Best report designer I have ever worked with.
However, as I indicated previously, it was not an option for me revans wrote: » Or, as I indicated previously, you could just do this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var   frxReport: TfrxReport; begin   frxReport := TfrxRe…
I get the same problem using the version 5.1.8 for Delphi 2010. Sometimes the logo is exported but not as it should be. Also, the PDF is very large in size (6.11 MB instead of 211 KB).
I found the solution... and it is so simple that I am disapointed the support couldn't reply. It seems they have removed the FPreview.Init from the TfrxReport.SetPreview between FastReport version 5.1.1 and 5.1.5. It is now necessary to call a TfrxR…
Thank you for the information. Did they inform you if they would fix the bug? During the last year, I developped printing routines that use this specific feature (preparing a report and allowing the user to send it to different destinations af…