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- -=paul=-
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piyochan wrote: » Hello, paul Thank you for your reply. OK. Which address can I send my Appl and DB? Please send it using a support request. Then it will be visible for all support team, not only for me.
Hello. Very interesting question but without looking on your application and your databse we can't say for sure what is the reason. By our tests FC2 loads data a bit faster than FC1 but this depends on data types. If your fields are string fields…
Giovani Roch?? wrote: » Hello! I am also having the same problem. Already informed deleted files, recompiled and reinstalled and the problem remains. I have already given written permission, compiled manually, etc.. As I remember I replied…
Hello. Use fcxSlice1.MeasuresContainer.Measures[0].DisplayFormat property. Best regards, Paul Ishenin
gul123 wrote: » When I recompile the FastCube 2 packages with FastScript Support I get the error: "Language '' is not found" A similar problem had been solved a week ago. What build you tried to install? In any case it is better to creat…
Well, I was to pessimistic about the time we need to add this component back [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> It will be available in the today update which …
Hello. At the moment there is no other way than using frxReport directly. During FastCube 2 development we decided to remove TfcGridReport component from the package since we thought it was not wide used. But now we already have other requests…
Hello. Sorry but we don't have such a tool. We have a programmer manual with examples for common tasks and if there will be a big demand we will create a migration manual too. We hope that the migration process is not that hard: FC1 cube can b…
Rui Menino wrote: » OK, I will do the translation to portuguese and will send it to repository as soon as it is availlable! It is already available: https://github.com/FastReports/FastCube2.VCL.RES
Rui Menino wrote: » When I recompile the FastCube 2 packages with FastScript Support I get the error: "Language '' is not found" Whow can I get the formula editor? I have FastCube Pro and FastReport Enterprise, versions of 16-09-2013. …
Rui Menino wrote: » FastCube 2 Final version only have 'English' and 'Russian' languages. Any plans to provide translation to other languages? FastCube 1 had translations for more than 15 languages.... Sorry, at the moment we have only 2 …
mzmzmz wrote: » Everything is nice, but ON DEFAULT the grid has one additional column and row (SUMs or AVGs). A right-click on the fields (*) within the grid opens a local menu allowing to enable or to disable "sums" as a additional column or r…
wrote: Compilation de frcd16.dproj (Debug, Win32) Ligne de commande brcc32 pour "frcd16.vrc" d:\delphixe2\bin\cgrc.exe -c65001 frcd16.vrc -fofrcd16.res [BRCC32 Erreur] frcd16.vrc(58): file not found: frcd16_Icon.ico Please copy fcd16_Ico…
ivan8888 wrote: » I found the reason why you can not see the scroll bar. FastCube does not support all Windows theme. It works well when the HP STYLE WINDOWS, and not see the scroll bar when the Windows Classic Style. Can you solve this problem? …
sjo wrote: » I'm using the trial of fastcube to evaluate whether to but the product. I note that many functions require fastscript to be installed. The instructions I see on here state 'run recompile.exe'. Thats fine, but there are various paths a…
What XML format did you choose and where you try to open that file later?
ivan8888 wrote: » I still have a problem with FastCube, scrollbar does not work properly. I tested this part of what you fix and still have a problem. Enclosed sent three pictures. On the first picture is how we print, on the other figure that sh…
ronin wrote: » i'm very curious about FastCube 2.0 because our sugesstion and our wishlist promised by the team in the next version.. Please give me roadmap or developing plan, because now currently i still looking for the best VCL OLAP compo…
Can you test the next fix for the fcExportHTML.pas unit:   procedure WriteStyle(StyleID: Integer; Style: TfcGridStyle);   begin     WriteLn('.gs' + IntToStr(StyleID) + ' {');     WriteLn('  background: #' + HTMLColor(Style.FillColor)…
ivan8888 wrote: » Is there a solution for this problem Yes since excel can save/load values correctly. I will look what and how we can fix in the FastCube code.
Hi. I see. To fix the problem you can apply the folling patch: Index: olap/Source/fcGrid.pas =================================================================== --- olap/Source/fcGrid.pas    (revision 1082) +++ olap/Source/fcGrid.pas    (r…
ivan8888 wrote: » Now it works, but I have another problem How can I set that we fill the opening as many columns as can fit. Currently we display only the first column, while others can not see until they spread Sorry, I tried to unders…
FastCube is a desktop OLAP tool which populates its internal storage from your dataset only once. Thus it does not communicate with database after to perform OLAP operations.