The problem is the following. Export to Excel has a problem with shifting fields such as "01/09, 02/09," because they are seen as in Excel 01. Sep., 02 Sep.
The problem is the following. Export to Excel has a problem with shifting fields such as "01/09, 02/09," because they are seen as in Excel 01. Sep., 02 Sep.
Can you test the next fix for the fcExportHTML.pas unit:
  procedure WriteStyle(StyleID: Integer; Style: TfcGridStyle);
    WriteLn('.gs' + IntToStr(StyleID) + ' {');
    WriteLn('  background: #' + HTMLColor(Style.FillColor) + ';');
    WriteLn('  color: #' + HTMLColor(Style.TextColor) + ';');
    WriteLn('  font: normal; ');
    WriteLn('  vertical-align: top;');
    if StyleID in [gsActiveItem, gsInactiveItem, gsMeasureItem, gsFieldsItem] then
      WriteLn('  font-weight: bold;');
    if (ExportFormat = hfExcel) and not (StyleID in [gsDataArea, gsDataCells, gsDataCellsTotals, gsDataCellsSelected]) then
      WriteLn('  mso-number-format:"\@";'); // text format
Here we changed axis format to text and therefore it should not be converted by Excel. We will include the fix into the next version if you confirm it.
Is there a solution for this problem
Yes since excel can save/load values correctly. I will look what and how we can fix in the FastCube code.
Here we changed axis format to text and therefore it should not be converted by Excel. We will include the fix into the next version if you confirm it.