Installing fastscript with fastcube demo

edited 10:30PM in FastCube

I'm using the trial of fastcube to evaluate whether to but the product. I note that many functions require fastscript to be installed. The instructions I see on here state 'run recompile.exe'. Thats fine, but there are various paths and parameters I need to enter which aren't really documentated as where to find.

One other issue - I'm using D2010 RAD Architect, does FS support 2010? If it doesn't, doesn't that kind of mean that many of the fastcube functions are unusable?

Some help with this would be appreciated - I like what I see, but if I can't test it, I can't buy it!


  • edited 10:30PM
    sjo wrote: »
    I'm using the trial of fastcube to evaluate whether to but the product. I note that many functions require fastscript to be installed. The instructions I see on here state 'run recompile.exe'. Thats fine, but there are various paths and parameters I need to enter which aren't really documentated as where to find.
    You need to set paths to:
    1. TeeChart - this is a chart package which can be installed with delphi (standard edition) or you can install it yourself (for example TeeChart pro edition). Recompile requires the path to that teechart package directory (where dcu files are placed).
    2. FastReport - well, if you are using FastReport and want to print reports based on FastCube then please specify the path to that package (where the dcu files are placed).
    3. FastScript. If you are using FastReport then it includes FastScript and in this case you need to set that FastScript path. If you have a standalone FastScript package then set the path to it.
    sjo wrote: »
    One other issue - I'm using D2010 RAD Architect, does FS support 2010? If it doesn't, doesn't that kind of mean that many of the fastcube functions are unusable?

    Yes, FastScript supports D2010.

  • sjosjo
    edited 10:30PM
    wrote: »
    wrote: »
    I'm using the trial of fastcube to evaluate whether to but the product. I note that many functions require fastscript to be installed. The instructions I see on here state 'run recompile.exe'. Thats fine, but there are various paths and parameters I need to enter which aren't really documentated as where to find.
    You need to set paths to:
    1. TeeChart - this is a chart package which can be installed with delphi (standard edition) or you can install it yourself (for example TeeChart pro edition). Recompile requires the path to that teechart package directory (where dcu files are placed).
    2. FastReport - well, if you are using FastReport and want to print reports based on FastCube then please specify the path to that package (where the dcu files are placed).
    3. FastScript. If you are using FastReport then it includes FastScript and in this case you need to set that FastScript path. If you have a standalone FastScript package then set the path to it.
    wrote: »
    One other issue - I'm using D2010 RAD Architect, does FS support 2010? If it doesn't, doesn't that kind of mean that many of the fastcube functions are unusable?

    Yes, FastScript supports D2010.

    OK so I've installed as above, without fastreports. As fastscripts has no D14 library, I used the D12 one.

    Compiles and says installed OK.

    When I try and compile the test software I'm using I get an error

    [DCC Fatal Error] fcInterpreter.pas(19): F1026 File not found: 'fs_iinterpreter.dcu'

    Any suggestions?
  • sjosjo
    edited August 2010

    Tried changing to just the fastscript path with same result. On searching, I can't find a fs_interpreter.pas or dcu anywhere.

  • sjosjo
    edited 10:30PM
    OK I installed the fast reports demo, recompiled and it now works ok.

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