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  • gordk wrote: DialogForm.qry.Close; aktLayout := 1707; DialogForm.qry.Open; showband(child1); end it seems like the query is not being reset. this may be a problem when using the same query as the mdband is using. But try this give your q…
  • gordk wrote: When using showband it will only appear the number of times you call show band. if you are trying to change the layout if a particular value is encountered in the md band and the Child belongs to mdBand or a band after then in obp o…
  • Hi, I now found the following: In the OnBeforePrint of a MasterData band I entered this code: (the qry's SQLtext works with a Variable "aktLayout" as Parameter) begin DialogForm.qry.Close; aktLayout := 1706; DialogForm.qry.Open; showband(chi…
  • Hi I think, I still could explain, what I want. I think, it would not be a problem to generate the report over the tree-like database-structure in Delphi. But I have a system, where the customer can make all his reports. I have to do it in fast…
  • Thanks for this tip, I also can use this. but I couldn't find this "public binaries" But: I think, I wrote it not very clearly: I don't want to show only this tree, for each "node" of this tree I want to show more data (address, Memos..…
  • It works, thanks for your help! But do you also know the solution for my Problem: How to assign the Database-Value to a Variable ? Thanks for any Ideas! Willi