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For those interested : procedure chSDRMsupportOnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); var sdrm:TfrxDBDataset; begin sdrm:=TfrxDBDataset(Report.GetDataset('frxSDRM')); sdrm.Open; sd…
Any news about this bug ?
Up ?
And the problem can also be seen on a simple master/detail report. There is no detail for master 3 and GF of "master2" says "master3" :-( Project attached.
Excuse me, I should have been more precise. The report has master / detail and subdetail bands, with group headers/footers around them. I have prepared a very simple project demonstrating the problem. There is no code. Just open the report and pr…
As I understand it, you want to make kind of "groups" of memos ? Have you thought of subreports on a single record (rbCurrent -> rbCurrent) ?
TFrxRichView ?
gordk wrote: » when using multiple design pages you need to connect the tfrxreport component to a dataset(NOT the same as the master) to tell the report the number of times to run I didn't know what dataset to link the report to. And what "n…
gpi wrote: » Try to set page's visiblity in main procedure of script Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately, it does not work. Even setting it before calling rep.ShowReport does not work.
thefreecat wrote: » I'm converting an old project (2.xx). Exporting to .FR3 and directly importing to FR4 is completely buggy. You can also open the .FR3 file in a text editor and replace all Memo.text= with text= This will fix the em…
gordk wrote: » try to doing your incrementing in the onafterprint event. I tried that but it was still called twice. And that would mean : impossible to print (script-calculated) running totals (because calculated afterwards)... It would b…
gpi wrote: » Try       if not Engine.SecondScriptCall then totphono:=totphono+; It works but should this be considered "normal behaviour" or workaround ? In the former case, it would be a nice idea to add something like this : "i…
gordk wrote: » yes zip up the .fr3 and also a .fp3 of the output. Attached. gordk wrote: » the culprit seems to be about here - MasterData2 : his OBP is called twice sometimes 100% agree ;-) I added yellow-background fields to d…
gordk wrote: » i would like to see the code from the reports code page. This is the relevant code. - totphono is the running total - The variable "ligne" helped me see the OBP was called twice for some records. - The frxMVEN.idtmpven / l…
Slashmaster wrote: » maybe u have to disable the two-pass option (Report -> Options -> General) 1) I didn't say all amounts were doubled, only some of them who are at the limit of 2 pages (so hard to find the culprit, believe me) 2) …
I'm converting an old project (2.xx). Exporting to .FR3 and directly importing to FR4 is completely buggy. But if you have the chance to still have a FR3 installation somewhere, you can : - export from 2.xx to FR3 (in FR2) - open the export.fr3…
Hello gordk. I was using 3.19.2 I just installed 3.19.13 and things work correctly now. Sorry for bothering and thanks again for your help.
I have the same problem in D7 with 3.19 standard. It worked in 3.17. Haven't checked for 3.18. This is urgent since my apps don't work anymore. Thanks in advance ! For info, I use it this way : In delphi : repx.AddFunction('Function GETAD(c…
I have : * [mytable."myfield"] in a memo on DetailData1 * [sum(,detaildata1,1)] on GF4, GF3 and GF2 Did I misunderstand you ?