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Before raising exception you can also set frxReport.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True. That way the user won't see any error messages.
Solved it by rebuilding preview pages inside OnPrintReport: frxReport.PreviewPages.Clear; for copy := 1 to frxReport.PrintOptions.Copies do begin   //... modify source data for current copy;   frxReport.PrepareReport(False); end; //override c…
Just add this after setting barcode size ... Â Â Â Â barcoFrame := TfrxMemoView.Create(band); Â Â Â Â barcoFrame.SetBounds( Â Â Â Â Â Â barco.Left - fr1cm, Â Â Â Â Â Â barco.Top - fr1cm, Â Â Â Â Â Â barco.Width + 2 * fr1cm, Â Â Â Â Â Â barco.Heigh…
Add an empty Text object under the barcode and set a dotted frame around it.
Tested with the latest (not officially stable) version 4.9.21 and it seems they've fixed the leak. Hope the next stable version comes out soon.
I've created a Delphi project which you can download at http://www.mwore.com/fast-report/FRMemoryLeak.zip (includes source code and executable). Compiled with Delphi 2010 Update 5 and Fast Report Basic 4.9 (stable) on Vista with all the latest upd…
File type (JPG, BMP) doesn't matter. Dimensions are also not important, although smaller images have a less dramatic effect on memory consumption. I've created an example, available at http://www.mwore.com/fast-report/MemoryLeak.zip Loaded t…
I've found a solution and posted it on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/719416/...eport-in-delphi It involves hooking WH_CBT message, catching HCBT_ACTIVATE code for TfrxPrintDialog and putting an OnChange event handler to keep track of the us…