Rectangle around barcode

Hi, I'm trying to add a rectangle (dotted line) around a barcode. The creation of barcode is ok, but i need a line around the barcode, as shown in this picture


  • edited 5:33PM
    Add an empty Text object under the barcode and set a dotted frame around it.
  • edited 5:33PM
    I write this code to generate a preview of my barcode end print it
    procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
      page: TfrxReportPage;
      band: TfrxDataBand;
      barco: TfrxBarCodeView;
      ncols, nrows: Integer;
      PaperWidth, PaperHeigth, SpaceBarcodeCol, SpaceBarcodeRow, BarcodeWidth, BarcodeHeigth: Extended;
        PaperWidth := 210;
        PaperHeigth := 297;
        BarcodeHeigth := 20;
        BarcodeWidth := 80;
        SpaceBarcodeCol := 10;
        SpaceBarcodeRow := 10;
        frxGetPaperDimensions(DMPAPER_A4, PaperWidth, PaperHeigth);
        page := TfrxReportPage.Create(frxRep);
        page.PaperSize := DMPAPER_A4;
        page.Orientation := poPortrait;
        band := TfrxMasterData.Create(page);
        barco := TfrxBarCodeView.Create(band);
        barco.BarType := bcCode128;
        barco.CalcCheckSum := True;
        barco.Text := 'SPS-DAT-PRI-123354654';
        page.LeftMargin := 90;
        page.TopMargin := 40;
        ncols := 1;
        nrows := 1;
        band.Columns := ncols;
        band.ColumnWidth := BarcodeWidth * fr1cm / 10;
        band.ColumnGap := SpaceBarcodeCol * fr1cm / 10;
        band.Height := (BarcodeHeigth + SpaceBarcodeRow) * fr1cm / 10;
        barco.Width := BarcodeWidth * fr1cm / 10;
        barco.Height := BarcodeHeigth * fr1cm / 10;
        band.RowCount := ncols * nrows;
        frxRep.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'test.txt');
        on e: exception do

    I'm new with this components. How can I create a text object under the barcode at runtme?
  • edited 5:33PM
    Just add this after setting barcode size ...
        barcoFrame := TfrxMemoView.Create(band);
          barco.Left - fr1cm,
          barco.Top - fr1cm,
          barco.Width + 2 * fr1cm,
          barco.Height + 2 * fr1cm
        barcoFrame.Frame.Typ := [ftLeft, ftRight, ftTop, ftBottom];
        barcoFrame.Frame.Style := fsDot;
  • edited 5:33PM
    Thanks, it works

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