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check the changes you made to your code
try memo1.memo.text:='47.5';
hello flynx, it's normal, so to resolve your probl??me, you need to know the hight of your subreports the top in the main report. Use non-stretched band for fixed row height, see also Restrictions of pagefooter don't move. good luck.
Which language do You speak I use query procedure TForm3.RzEdit6Change(Sender: TObject); begin dm.ADOQserv.SQL.Clear; dm.ADOQserv.close; dm.ADOQserv.sql.Text := 'SELECT * FROM service WHERE design LIKEÂ Â '+quotedStr(RzEdit6.Text+'%'); dm.ADOQserv.…
hello, see also Restrictions
Hi, I haven't time o try it for You but I propose You to add a NEW Dialog to your report it will appear befor report add a Radio button or checkbox and creat a code to give visible for groupheader1 or2
hello halim, Response
hello halim, I'll give you an example, procedure finOnChange(Sender: TfrxComponent); var a,m,m1,j:word; begin DecodeDate(debut.date,a,m,j); DecodeDate(fin.date,a,m1,j); NB_MOIS.TEXT:=inttostr(int(m1)-int(m)+1); end; where debut and fin are Tfrx…
hi sandy, I like worke simply put your variabl in a memo. after this You can make or look for your conditions. Two will not learn(teach); the shy person and the arrogant person