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It doesn't work even with 3.15. It's very strange, because if I print one report in two or more copies, it's OK. But if I print it only once, error occures. Can you give me email address where I'll send preview of this error? Thanks, Lubos
Still no ideal ??? Would it be possible to add new feature to allow or to forbid minimalizing and maximalizing preview window??? (like every Form in Delphi) L.
I have the same problem.
WHERE IS AlexTZ???? no answer for more then 3 weeks ??? Is it possible to add to FR 3.13 new method/function/procedure/... that will be able to set UseMetafile to false for all FrxRichView objects? f.e.: (normal resolution) frxReport.useallme…
Is it possible to write a procedure, that will be called OnCreate Report and will ask Windows what is the resolution. And if resX/resY = 1.6 (1280/800=1.6) then it will set UseMetafile to false for all RichView objects on Report. Is it possible? …
This error occures only if I use property UseMetafile in RichView objects !!!!!!
This happens if two object are placed one on second. And also ShiftMode and StretchMode are important for RTF export. Lubos
In 3.09 it's OK.
Thanks, but only my second problem is fixed. My first problem is not, so I can't use FR 3.08.
Well today you add FastScript 1.8 to your web page. But I use FastScript in FR 3 Standard editition so in my download area I still see only FR 3.08 (23.12.2004). Do I have to wait till FR 3.09, or is any other solution ? L.
Well but in FR 2 it worked. I could use screen.cursor:=-17; query.close; query.sql.clear; query.sql.add('...'); query.open; screen.cursor:=0; than user knew that program works (when select statement need for example 8 seconds). In FR3 this…
I use Query in my report where I have special SELECT statements. So I have first window in my report where I ask user to set parameters, then when user clicks on OK I open my Query with parameters and try to preview report. But it takes a while, so…
I don't have sources, just Standard edition. What can I do ?
Yes, problem really is in second IIF function. But second [] or <> doesn't work.
In FR 3.08 still doesn't work following : (it worked in 3.06) [IIF(='','new',IIF(=,'my new','old'))] Please help, L.
Hi I had same problem a I found solution for me : I had to delete all TfrxRichViews and add them again. Text from TfrxRichView a copied into Clipboard CTRL+C, then I deleted old TfrxRichView, add it from panel in FR3 and then I pasted text from cli…
I have same problem, but I have Standard edition of FR 3.04, so I don't have frxRich.pas. Can you please change it in file to be donwloaded in Download area? Or do I have to wait for FR 3.05 ? Lubos
I FOUND A PROBLEM If I use in my report, TfrRichView, where I have text in MS Sans Serif style, than RTF export works well. However, if text is written in Times New Roman, than an error occures during RTF export !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why ??? T…
Any idea ? thanks L.
Now it works, thanks.
But when I open my project, an error occures : TfrxReportTitle.GroupIndex: Property GroupIndex does not exist Band2.GroupIndex: Property Groupindex does not exist TfrxHeader.Groupindex: Property Groupindex does not exist ... ... ... I have …
In FR3.03 it works correctly. Thanks.
Yes, this works, but when I preview my report, an error have occured : Memo1 : Field not found : frxMyQuery."Name" I see this field in the Datatree window correctly. Can you help ? Lubos
But when I convert form FR2.53 with IB components (IBQuery, sql query I add in source code) to FR 3 an error occures : Empty Dataset. But I don't now where is empty dataset. IBQuery seems to work well I don't know what does this error mean. Can y…
TfrxIBXComponents.DefaultDatabase is set to my application database, but IB dataset inside a report doesn't work. Database property is empty, and doesn't offer anything to choose. And if I try to preview my report, an error occure : Dataset "" is n…
So I have to download the latest version of FastReport 2.53 and save all my reports in this version ???? Or how to make this conversion?? (TFr --> TFrx) Lubos