FR works wrong with 1280x800 resolution

edited 8:57AM in FastReport 3.0
I have bought new notebook with 1280x800 resolution, and I found out, that my programs with FastReport works wrong. In Preview and in Printed version fonts are very strange. (mainly in RichText object)
But any other program (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, ....) is OK.

If I change resolution to 1024x768, preview and printed version is OK, but it's not comfortable to use this resolution on wide notebook.

Please help, Lubos


  • edited 8:57AM
    This error occures only if I use property UseMetafile in RichView objects !!!!!!
  • edited 8:57AM
    Is it possible to write a procedure, that will be called OnCreate Report and will ask Windows what is the resolution. And if resX/resY = 1.6 (1280/800=1.6) then it will set UseMetafile to false for all RichView objects on Report. Is it possible?

    Than FR will work well on normal resolution, and on widescreen notebooks it will print OK, only preview will be different. But it's better sollution, then to print wrong.
  • edited 8:57AM
    WHERE IS AlexTZ???? no answer for more then 3 weeks ???

    Is it possible to add to FR 3.13 new method/function/procedure/... that will be able to set UseMetafile to false for all FrxRichView objects?

    f.e.: (normal resolution)
    frxReport.useallmetafile := true;

    (widescreen resolution)
    frxReport.useallmetafile := false;

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