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Ok. I found a work around. I chose 'forgot password' at logon and used the link l I was sent to create a new one
Here is how to do it. Add a second group header underneath the first one with the same condition as the first one. Put the column headers in the lower group header and leave the memos with summary group info in the upper one. Set DrillDown := true …
I'm sorry, please can you explain a little more as I don't really understand what you are suggesting I do
I'll answer this myself using Delphi 2009 and FR4. include in Delphi the unit 'uses ClipBrd;' Then make the report interactive by using the Report's OnClickObject event . In this event put the code procedure TFrmMain.frxReport1ClickObject(Sende…
Ah, found the problem. I had a later installer on my old machine for FR ver 4.9. One of the changes from 4.5 was the ability to set a transparency property in TfrxPictureView . Uninstalled FR and reinstalled it from the newer installation file and…
Ah! Found it, It's under the report|variables menu option. I didn't realise you could create a new variable there and give it a value at the same time. Thanks for your help, it saves a lot of time when developing
Thank you. Please can you tell me how you do that so I can look in the right place in FR4. I don't think I've ever seen that feature but I might not be looking in the right place.
...and the report looks like https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/564/3KCO7I2KUKHS.png
I think I have found the solution. I needed three separate queries, one for the 'master' routine name, one for the uses routines and one for the used tables. the sub queries used a parameter in a where clause to pick up the value from the master qu…
(small error, the bottom line of Routine_A in the dataset should have (null) for referenced_routine_type and referenced_routine _name.
gpi wrote: » Try MemoTitle.font.style := fsBold + fsUnderline; That did it, thanks
gpi wrote: » You may use dataset's OnFirst, OnNext, OnPrior, OnGetValue, OnCheckEOF events and get dataset like TfrxDBDataset Ok thank you. I did spend some time looking at the demos and I couldn't see where the UserDataSet got loaded or how …
This should do it. You don't need to cast it to a TfrxMemoView in this case, you can just use the memo's name. Note you must have an 'else' clause to set the color to something else if the condition is not met (even clNone) otherwise the first time…
1732 views in 30 minutes! How do you do that ?
Try something like this. I use this code to extract nodes that are repeated so you may not need the 'for' loop if you only have one node I also found that it is case sensitive to tag names. uses MSXML, begin var   i : integer;   xml:IXMLD…
Solution - nearly In the end, through trial and error I have come up with the solution but it introduces another problem if the band with the memo and subreport on are themselves in a subreport from a higher level. If there is a master band contai…
gordk wrote: » HI HOWARD it appears to me that the top of the memo is set to 0, i think this might be outside of the master band top forget the above, try removing the sub report temporarily to see if you can get the memo to stretch also what i…
Thank you very much I wasn't sure which event to use as it had to be one that occured after the autosize event happened. Your code will do nicely !
gordk wrote: » Can you work with word wrapping in the memos if so set up the stretching props of bands and memos to maxheight and verical alignment to center. I thought of doing that but I'd prefer not to if possible. The report duplicates …
gordk wrote: » in the oad event of the group header set a variable to the condition value. in tht subreport obp event of masterdata set the visible property ie masterdata2.visible := dataset."fieldname" := variable name; Ah, that makes se…
gordk wrote: » Try this Use a subreport in an unattached child band for the second master write code to display the child in the obp event of the group footer. engine.showband(childbandname) Thanks gordk, That printed the data in the …
gpi wrote: » Attach your report template (fr3) and saved preview pages (fp3) here Here is the template but I don't seem able to upload the fp3 file. Each time I try I get the error message 'Upload failed. Please ask the administrator to che…
gordk wrote: » there is nothing about vertical bands except the the oldstyle crosstab demo report in the main demo and something in the usermanual IIRC, but this may suit your needs better, if the vertical memo is always in the same place on the…
Thanks Gordk, I put one on the page but, depending upon where I put it and where I placed a memo inside it I either got nothing shown at all or got an error 'Unconnected header2" How do you use vertical header bands? (I did search the user guide…
Eventually I can post my own reply. In the graph editor the series type needs to be set to number, not text. that makes any x values supplied be proper x values and they will be used when plotting the points. Then in the code part of the report …
SOLUTION The solution was not to use the OnBeforePrint event to draw the child bands inside a loop but instead use the OnAfterCalcHeight event. That showed the blank rows in the group as it should do but also allowed the SUM() function in the …
Use a nested IF then. Its OK for a smallish number of tests. and this code should be in the onBeforePrint of the detail band (as you are testing frxDBDatasetDetail."nazwa_wejscie") if ( = 'Niedziela') and ( = '') then              …
oyci3c wrote: » Hello. I'm using Delphi2010 and FR4.0, I'm not using .NET. Is there a way to add more than one condition in highliting detail field? As far as I can see in Report Designer I can pick only one conditiong to color one field... …
gordk wrote: » try [SUM(,MasterData1,1)] another method assuming you start a new page for each person would be to use the overlay band draw your lines vertical and horizontal on it. then you only need to force the footer down to where you wa…
gordk wrote: » Did your sumfunction in the memo refrence the band or just the datafield? The memo contained [SUM(,MasterData1)] The only bands at the moment are a group header, grouping on another field in the dataset, MasterData1 and…