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Hello Mick! Yes, it means exactly that. I store the selected IDs in a FireBird global temporary table and everything is OK. I just would like to put all neccessary processing inside the report. Thanx for your reply!! Alex :-)
Hi! Try the solutions from my post: For the topic click here.
And for a more report-oriented example, here is a document image from a html string. Html formatted table
Hi! Of course, the source will be published and anyone can use and modify it for custom needs. Here are some examples of webpage shots, generated by the code (that is the base of the report component): example1 example2 I will publish…
Problem solved. I realized that the problem was the resolution difference between the screen canvas and the printer canvas. The solution is when IsPrinting is true, then I first draw the frame on a TMetaFileCanvas, because of its device independency…
Hi! What about dotmatrix report with command object containing the command? Or here are 2 Delphi components for direct printer access: RawPrint or DXPrint If they don't work, try this code, it send command directly to the printer: …
Hi Robert! This means, you didn't provide a valid value for the HELO command. Unfortunately I didn't find any property that can be set for this purpose in FR's emailexport component. Also didn't find a property for the mail agent, that is very ne…
gordk wrote: » Set the design page(s) pagecount property. Thanx Gord! You are the best from the beginning!! Best regards:Alex :-)
If You need a working method for a pageshot, ask me for the code.ű Here is an example of a full webpage: Example pageshot Regards:Alex :-)
Hi Kenneth! There is at least two possobilities to achive your goal. - rewrite the source of the barcode component in FR on your needs OR - if you don't want to dig into the source, you can use any 3rd party component that supports your requi…
Just include the FR_View unit in your uses clause. The TfrPreviewButton type is declared in that unit, not in FR_Class. Regards:Alex
See the link: userds (I hope it works.)
Hi! Sorry for the late. Not sure, but maybe work. This is when you don't know the names of the objects. If you know them, you canj use explicitly the Report.FindObject function with a simple type casting to TFrIBXQuery and set the appropriate pro…
Yes. There are many NATIVE data access components in the powerpack. And if You don't find the appropriate for your needs then you can write your own. Just look into one of the sources and you will see that it is not so hard to implement a custom dat…
The best way to get the answer to see into the source code and you will see what it does and then you can decide if it is EAN128 compliance. (If you waste your money for purchasing FR, I suppose You have the source) However there are several other t…
Hi Fad! Try using R->Dictionary->Variables->Insert() function. The variable first must be added to the Dictionary.Variables:TFRVariables list. Regards:Alex
Hi! There is a property of TFRReport called StoreInDFM:Boolean. When true the whole report file is stored in the dfm resource file and compiled into the exe. Regards:Alex
Hi! I uploaded a demo project with userdataset and stringgrid to the yahoo groups file section. Here is the link: http://f4.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/AEKbQFg8Rplrb...cA/fruserds.ace Regards:Alex Taylor
Hi! If you mean that you use the internal (IBX based) data access components inside the report file and you wanna share the application's database handle to that internal datasets then the answer is YES. It is possible. This is the most powerful …
Hi Giacomo! As I know there is no report engine that can successfully solve the problem You throw up. (Anyway they are superscript and subscript in english if I right) But with a little workaround everything can be solved like any others in FR. …
You can use the TFROleView object to embed any OLE object in the report. You can set the filename at runtime in the OnBeforePrint event handler. This example will create an embedded object with the type based on the file extension. This works, but t…
Maybe You have to prepare the report before accessing these properties. After preparing these objects will be created and you can access them. If you first prepare it then you can call the PrintPreparedReport and ShowPreparedReport methods. I hope t…
TFRReport has the property called Dictionary. The dictionary has several methods to work with the stored variables, datasets, etc.. Regards:Alex
Export the report using one of the export filters and mail it as attachment using one of many internet component suite. I use Indy 9, it is the best for me. (TIDSmtp with TIDMessage) Regards:Alex
I use ver 2.42 and both of the above examples work fine without any errors and gives the correct and same result. I mean I used [FORMATDATETIME('MMMM', DATE)] and [DATE #Dmmmm] and they are the same in the result. Alex
The formatting expression is STRING. So You have to enclose it in apostrophes. [FORMATDATETIME('MMMM', DATE)]. But if You need date formatting You can use the following method: [DATE #Dyyyy.mm.dd.] where the # tells the engine to interpret the fol…
The TFRReport component has an event called OnObjectClick(View:TFRView). The View parameter holds the object that fired the click event. By parsing this parameter You can do whatever You want in the event handler. I hope this is what You need. R…
What do You mean on "work with"? If You mean that they co-exist in the same application then yes. Alex