Have any1 tried this with suxes?
Hi ppl..
I'm making a software for a gym...
The gym has a db of their clients. Each client has its own routine of exercises.
The 15 routines are stored in 15 msword documents.
I was asked to do following...
Choose a client from the DB, and then print his data, name, etc. etc. and then his routine... so:
1?? how could i put the contents of a msword document in my report? (if possible)
2?? if no, what other option do i have?
(keep in mind the routines cannot be moved from being in ms word documents)
thanks in advance. hope your help.
I'm making a software for a gym...
The gym has a db of their clients. Each client has its own routine of exercises.
The 15 routines are stored in 15 msword documents.
I was asked to do following...
Choose a client from the DB, and then print his data, name, etc. etc. and then his routine... so:
1?? how could i put the contents of a msword document in my report? (if possible)
2?? if no, what other option do i have?
(keep in mind the routines cannot be moved from being in ms word documents)
thanks in advance. hope your help.

procedure TForm1.RBeforePrint(Memo: TStringList; View: TfrView);
Var Ole:TFROleView;
If View.Name='Ole' then
da ya know how can i set the size of the ole object or how could i search info about it?
thanks again