Have any1 tried this with suxes?

Hi ppl..
I'm making a software for a gym...
The gym has a db of their clients. Each client has its own routine of exercises.
The 15 routines are stored in 15 msword documents.
I was asked to do following...
Choose a client from the DB, and then print his data, name, etc. etc. and then his routine... so:
1?? how could i put the contents of a msword document in my report? (if possible)
2?? if no, what other option do i have?
(keep in mind the routines cannot be moved from being in ms word documents)

thanks in advance. hope your help. ;)


  • edited 8:25AM
    You can use TfrOLEObject to insert any object into report.
  • edited 8:25AM
    You can use the TFROleView object to embed any OLE object in the report. You can set the filename at runtime in the OnBeforePrint event handler. This example will create an embedded object with the type based on the file extension. This works, but there are sizing problems, You will see what I talk about. You must set the desired size of the object.

    procedure TForm1.RBeforePrint(Memo: TStringList; View: TfrView);
    Var Ole:TFROleView;
    If View.Name='Ole' then

  • edited 8:25AM
    thanks ppl
    da ya know how can i set the size of the ole object or how could i search info about it?
    thanks again ;)

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