Uli Gerhardt
Uli Gerhardt
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- Uli Gerhardt
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OK, thanks. That will probably do.
gpi wrote: » Set TfrxOverlay.Height = Page.Height I'm trying procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin   Overlay1.Height := Page1.Height; end; but get "Undefined identifier 'Height'" for Page1. "Page.Height" doesn't work…
gpi wrote: » Works OK in the script procedure Cross1OnPrintCell(Memo: TfrxMemoView; RowIndex, ColumnIndex, CellIndex: Integer; RowValues, ColumnValues, Value: Variant); begin     if ColumnIndex = 0 then     Memo.HAlign := haRight   else …
gpi wrote: » Try to set text alignment in the TfrxCrossView.OnPrintCell script event Thanks for the quick answer, gpi! It would be difficult to get the relevant info inside the script, so I tried the OnBeforePrintCell Delphi event instead. M…
Thanks for your answer! Sorry, my fault: The data field had a MaxLength, so the RTF got truncated and apparently couldn't get parsed correctly.
gpi wrote: » You can call user function in the Page1OnBeforePrint event (in the script) only Then I'll go with that. Thanks!
gpi wrote: » See modified test project in the attach Thanks, I'll try tomorrow! Edit: Checked it - works like a charm. That Engine thing is cool!
Our "real" report contains custom report views that don't work without our business logic, so the fr3 alone won't work. I'm attaching a little sample project derived from the PrintArray demo instead:
A little bit late but for the benefit of others looking for this info: :-) Juhas wrote: » Can you give me more information about how to create frc file? I tried frcc.exe, but it creates pas file from xml. You have to do it like in the mkall.…
This seems to be the answer.
Hi all! I just ran into the same problem. Is there a fix?
gpi wrote: » You may assign TfrxPictureView.OnBeforePrint with script procedure only Use TfrxReport.OnBeforePrint event for Delphi's code Thanks for your answer, gpi!