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- ReeBo
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At my test-Report this works: begin   ADOQuery1.Open;                                  Memo1.Visible := ADOQuery1.RecordCount = 0;                                        …
DavidWIII wrote: » I would like to show a message in a label if no rows are found. The results come from a BDE query and are displayed on a MasterData band. I've tried using the RowCount property of the MasterData band and the RecordCount of the…
I create a example report with a RichView-Field. If you change the height of the ReportTitle you can see, that always only one pagebreak would work. 1. never more than one pagebreak works, the others lines were cutted 2. never on the first page…
gordk wrote: » the band that contains the richtextmemo must be set to stretch and allow split. How I wrote. Both is set. And both rows use the same Masterband and even one row is showing correct. Tomorrow I try to create a example.