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- Otzi
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Is it possible to add this feature to user interface as field property? Beacuse I create cube dynamically from different datasets.
Dont' understand why cannot change props between or after processing pages - if I manually change props from preview > edit page change of duplex is used as I expect
No answer? I yust need yes or no and when if no
A add my own button on TfrxPreviewForm and call of FPreview.DeletePage on OnClick event. But I'm still interested for original source solution of this button.
We use version 3.22 and also have the same problem. The problem remains in version 4.22
My fault. On band I should set AllowSplit=true.
What about putting band (streched=false) above DBcross with memo. On bandOnBeforePrint you can let the memo down: LaHeader.top := LaHeader.top + 30;
I found the solution! Band ReportSummary1 should have Streched = false and only in this case you can change Height of band. After that I moved Memo to the bottom of Band.  if engine.Finalpass then   if Engine.Freespace > (ReportSummary1.he…
Actually I already have PageFooter which appears on every page. This signature should appear above this footer. I also want to use a combination of PageFooter and Child but PageFooter band cannot have child band.
Please help me with this problem. I remake demo example 47.frf to my case and problem exists - only when I use subreport with subreport-master-detail-child combination.
Option doesn't appear in fr's option. Maybe we don't understand each other correctly. If I have doble-sided printing enabled then report with 1 page an 2 copies is printed on 1 sheet of paper - Microsoft Word prints the similar document on each o…
Yes, there is a setting as you can see on: Doublesided
Please help me with this problem. Otzi
I though further usage in program not in report. The right solution is in http://www.fast-report.com/en/faq.php#74