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- Farhan
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Farhan wrote: » Farhan wrote: » No any event. Just assign TfrReport.Dataset with your master dataset Sorry where can I find this TfrReport property Is it part of Page, query,Databand , the example would be very helpful Sorry to give …
gpi wrote: » No any event. Just assign TfrReport.Dataset with your master dataset Sorry where can I find this TfrReport property Is it part of Page, query,Databand , the example would be very helpful Sorry to give you pain Many thanks …
Thanks for your response Could you please advise which event I should use this code and if you can give me an example that would be great Two Pages PageName = InvSumPage1 PageName = InvDetailPage2 SourceBand SourceDB = qrySumInv on Page1 = In…
I have a similar issue The report generates the result first for page1(Summary) and Details after when generated all the rows from Page1(Summary) records 1,2,...n I like to print from page1(Summary) for records 1 and then record 1 from (Details)…
Hi All I wonder if you can helpe stuck to navigate pages I've two queries generate Summary and Details on page1(SummmaryPage) and page2(DetailPage) respectively. If the 'Summarypage' generates 10 pages for example , if the summary for Invoice_1…
Any routine or VB code please?
Thanks interesting code Can this be translate into VB script please as my reports using VB code Many thanks Farhan
I've a column keep the following values VisitID 1234 0 1235 0126 0 1238 4 The answer I need is 4 Excluding 0 in the Group Footer using Totals I can use this in the control column like wrote: [IIf([qryTechnicianDashboard_Details.VisitID…
The Issue in IF condition wrote: If AllCompanyRadioButton.Checked = True Then Report.SetParameterValue("RegionsByte", "15,14,13,12,99,88,77......................") Before Else How can I avoid the hard coded values 15,,14..... and so o…
Hi Can I've the complete code please and steps I've a combo box . showing all the Regions which I like to select but ,It only allow me to select one. firstly does the ComboBox allow to select Multiple values If Yes please adivse How ? If not …
I've found the problem the reason why there are some duplicated Sales Names Kind regards, Farhan
Thanks for your swift response I'm not good in C# , can understand bit coding . I will try to translate into VB syntax , may come back to you if its ok Thanks Farhan ipong wrote: » use script   public class ReportScript   {     in…
Farhan wrote: » I'm having similar issue try to write the similar expression but give me the error [ [qryCompletedVisits.Jan]/[[qryTotalVisitsAssigned.Jan]-[qryCancelledVisits_testing.Jan]] ] Also tried like this [[qryCompletedVisits.Jan]/[[qr…
I'm having similar issue try to write the similar expression but give me the error [ [qryCompletedVisits.Jan]/[[qryTotalVisitsAssigned.Jan]-[qryCancelledVisits_testing.Jan]] ] Also tried like this [[qryCompletedVisits.Jan]/[[qryTotalVisitsAssign…
For my X-axis I can't see any X-axis only showing 3 as highlighted in circle . why? Is any one can help me please show picture its only showing three value hightlied with circle not showing in the outside , so I had to VAL X for Stacked-100% wher…
For my X-axis I can't see any Labels it only display few. Is any one can help me please show picture its only showing three value hightlied with circle not showing in the outside , so I had to VAL X for Stacked-100% where the chart values is 100%…
Similarly on the graph why its not showing all the Y Region name .. as the attached Bar chard below why its not showing the othe Region name only showing specific. how can I show all the Region name for each Bar? Kind regards, Farhan
ipong wrote: » DateTimePicker1.Value = Date.Now.AddDays(-7) Thanks Its working but during run its generate following error; Unhandles exception has occured in a component in your application If you click Continue, the application will…
Thanks for the response. sorry I should've mentioned earlier I used vb code so after spending hours found the problem On Button Click I've used the following code     Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As object, ByVal e As EventArgs)   …
thanks oh its its under File menu File|Options|UserInterface (Extreme right at the bottom) where Exit Button is Kind regards, Farhan
Thanks Mohammed and gpi its work now didn't do anything just restart and run its work. I may need to take some advance traing appreciate if anyone can teach me on Skype or online Kind regards, Farhan