Graph Values

edited October 2017 in FastReport .NET
I want to create simply graph based on the following data

Region Number

NW 20
SE 10
NW 9
SW 22
EL 15

By default Series1 | Data Tab X = (region) and Y (Number)
Under <Values> tab I kept as default

A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

X value Y Value

The output for label showing also the Y values(Number) instead of X (Region) as shown below on the print screen.
I can handle through Labels tab but only way to display under <Pattern> field I 've to pass the Parameter like
but its showing both where I want the <Number> field should display inside the graphs and <region> number field should be on the right.

Is there any guide to build the graphs or under <Values> tablsParameter tab X value: and Y Value , I have to type the values (A , 1) , will be replace as (NW , 1) or (B,2) will be (SE,2)
not sure so I have 20+ region , under <Values > tab do I have to type like thi
X value Y value:
NW , 1
NE , 2
SW , 3
SE , 4
SN , 5


Hope it make sense
Kind regards,


  • edited 10:47PM
    Similarly on the graph why its not showing all the Y Region name .. as the attached Bar chard below
    why its not showing the othe Region name only showing specific. how can I show all the Region name for each Bar?
    Kind regards,
  • edited 10:47PM
    For my X-axis I can't see any X-axis only showing 3 as highlighted in circle . why?
    Is any one can help me please show picture
    its only showing three value hightlied with circle not showing in the outside , so I had to VAL X for Stacked-100% where the chart values is 100% but its not the right way to handle
    it should pick up the X-value by itself
    hope make sense

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