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- FAlvarado
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Break the group on expression: MonthOf(<frxDBDataset1."StartedOn">) YearOf(<frxDBDataset1."StartedOn">) Francisco Alvarado
Paul: So far, this is working as expected: procedure TDashBF3.VrTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin // Browse all pages in report if TfrxPreview(frxReport1.Preview).PageNo = TfrxPreview(frxReport1.Preview).PageCount then TfrxPreview(frxReport1.…
Thank you Paul! I'll try your solution ASAP because it's the only alternative for my previous post: to display different reports in the same form. I'll use that in a dashboard that will scroll (using a TTimer) to show all records in the report. I'…
Configure the printer to do that in Windows If it's an Epson Printer go to Properties/Preferences... and select Feed and Cut page. Best Regards
Thank you for your response, but the spanish version is somewhat more complicated... Several years I lost my collection of classes (I now I store backups in different places) and instead of reprogramming this class I'm using this one (http://www.tr…
Polomint wrote: » This worked OK for us Francisco. When you "upgraded" did you uninstall your previous FR v5.x.x and then delete the "residual files" (before installing v5.6.4)? Sadly you can't rely on the Installer as it is currently config…
I'll start things off with two of my regular "complaints" The Installation Process +1 Revision Version Control (and its QA) +1
gordk wrote: » try this attach a child band to the group footer place the memos you want hide in the child band write coden to hide the child band Thank you! That worked! Francisco Alvarado
Slashmaster wrote: » Good morning, try something like this in OnBeforePrint: if tfrxmemoview(sender.parent.findobject('frxDBDataset1SubContractor1')).visible then greetz I tried that but the GroupFooter is overlapped by the next sec…
gpi wrote: » No, you can't without changes of FR's sources procedure TfrxResources.Help(Sender: TObject); ... {$IFNDEF FR_COM} Â Â frxDisplayHHTopic(Application.Handle, ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + FHelpFile + topic);Â Â //change this li…