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- DiGi
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Check source code, maybe they add some properties before FBin.
Designer is running from Delphi, in design time. Parameters are set by hand directly in TfrxAdoQuery component (with test values). Sample Stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE frx_TestProcedure_PRINT (@dbname VARCHAR(256)) AS IF @dbname IS NULL BE…
Just for another developers - if you need this and it is not fixed yet: unit YourOwnPrintUnit; .. implementation uses   frxPrinter; type   TfrxHackedPrinter = class(TObject)   private     FBin: Integer;   public     property Bi…
Please can be this fixed? FastReports 4.7.5 - there is not any simple runtime way to set printer bin. unit frxPrinter.pas, procedure TfrxPrinter.SetPrintParams FMode.dmCopies := ACopies; if FBin <> -1 then   ABin := FBin; Corren…
Sorry for late reply - email notifications are not working? It was 4.6.current (not official). I think that I had same problem with 3.x too (in my old company) - so I don't except changes in frxPrinter.pas at all.
This is not true Delphi programming, it is much more "FastReport scripting"... You can contact me by PM on this board, i will get notify email and reply asap.
Maybe try this: http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/comment/7561 http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/comment/7537 Variables - part of code/variables, that you can use inside scripts (like code snipsets) or as o…
sreport.Variables := '''' + trim(combobox2.Text) ''''; Variables are variants, so you can do: sreport.Variables := '''MyText'''; sreport.Variables := 500; sreport.Variables := true; If you want store string in Variables then it must be …
This works... But I still have trouble with AV at 0486737a in module frx7.bpl: Read of address 00000010. Another trouble (also in older FR versions): ADODataSet.EOF doens't work well, it duplicates last row (dataset is active, eof is false, data…
We are using "Variables"... From FR Editor: Menu Report -> Variables. It appears as "code snipsets", so you can write if then  ReportDataSet.ConnectionString := ; From Delphi: 1) load report 2) FastReportObject.Variables['some_condit…
Value = Null is bad, should be VarIsNull(Value)
All working fine with 3.18.12 3.18.12 also fixing FastReport Designer Clipboard bug (from 3.17) Thanks
Same here with latest 3.18.11, try using "stable" version... I'm freezing on 3.17, because I have many troubles with 3.18+
Try complete uninstall (including manual remove program files\Fast Repors, compiled packages (in your projects path and in windows\system32), rewonload file and do clean install...
try: [MonthOf()]
You can create simple component for loading prints to internal (runtime created) fastreport...