Troubles with FR 3.20

edited December 2005 in FastReport 3.0
First trouble:

Form with FR component, saved in... 3.17?...

Can't be opened in 3.20 (I got exception):
Found trouble point: Older versions saved FastReport.PrintOptions.Printer as translated text, actual version failed to load this property.
Edit: This doesn't work after recompile... ;)

Second trouble:
Registering own methods doesnt work...

Old code:
fsGlobalUnit.AddedBy := Self;
	with fsGlobalUnit do
  OnGetUnit := GetFastScriptUnit;
  { z??kladn?­ funkce }
  AddMethod('function ....
This code IS executed, but Reports doens't know new added methods...


  • detlefdetlef Germany
    edited 10:02PM
    I have the same trouble with registering own methods. With Version 3.19 it works fine. ;)
  • edited 10:02PM
    Try so:
    frxReport1.Script.Parent :=fsGlobalUnit;
  • edited 10:02PM
    This works... But I still have trouble with AV at 0486737a in module frx7.bpl: Read of address 00000010.

    Another trouble (also in older FR versions):
    ADODataSet.EOF doens't work well, it duplicates last row (dataset is active, eof is false,, dataset is active, eof is true - but line is same).
    EOF should be true on last row, not AFTER
  • edited 10:02PM
      if DataSet.RecNo = DataSet.RecordCount-1  then
  • detlefdetlef Germany
    edited 10:02PM
    Problem: Own Methods

    My own functions are running on the report is showing, but they doesn???t showing in the list of functions at the designer.

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