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Having 5+ reports in its own tab of preview. How to mail these reports as separate pdf in one email to a client? So one email gets 5+ attachments. Can this be solved with user function also?
I would love - if the previewform in unit frxPreview could be used to show multiple reports. If it is doable - then please advice me how :-) Would be perfect with a - AddReportsToPreview(ReportList: TObjectList) method :-) edit: Reports sho…
MrDeveloper wrote: » It seems that the latest recompile.exe inside the FR5.5.5 still doesn't support the Berlin 10.1 compiler?! If you get "Never build package 'frxcs24' must be recompled" ... (see pic att.) Then open frxBiffConverter.pas …
HERBERTS wrote: » Hi, Yes you can do it. But you have to set the variable and use that vaiable within the report. But if you reload the report, then the varible's value will be lost. You can set variable with dialog. Hi Herberts. I j…
Draeden wrote: » Yes. Such a converter would convince me to buy Fast Reports in an instant. We have a LOT of Crystal Report - reports. And we are desperatly looking for a replacement. Just let me know if you are interested in having "BE…