FastReport Vcl 6.x (and FastCube Vcl 3.x) ???Wish-list???

PolomintPolomint Australia
edited 3:28PM in FastReport VCL
Some time back we had an early indication that FRv6 was on the way.

While I am very happy with the features and functionality of both FastReport and FastCube as they are, there are some gripes. I am sure other users have a list of their own issues.

I'll start things off with two of my regular "complaints"
- The Installation Process
- Revision Version Control (and its QA)

Attached is a PDF of a short document I prepared on the subject. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" /> Feel free to add your issues to this thread... Cheers, Paul[/img]


  • LurkingKiwiLurkingKiwi Wellington, New Zealand
    edited September 2017
    One thing I would really like to see is an easy way to print a report upside-down.
    This would be best as a flag in the page settings to do a 180 degree rotation (some printers do have an inverted landscape setting or similar).

    It may seem like a silly request, but I am printing on cards which have the corners cut off at one end, and that end needs to feed into the laser printer last.
    Unfortunately mine rotates to landscape orientation the wrong way.

    As an alternative, a way in the IDE to rotate the contents of a data band would be handy.
    This second choice obviously would not make the group headers etc appear in the right order, but for data band reports to tags or labels only it would help.
    Currently I have to keep two different pages in the FR3, one pointing each way, and select as appropriate depending which way a printer rotates into landscape.
    Editing twice in different orientations is irritating!

    Oh, and it's a little thing I probably should do myself, but the ability to draw arcs (start/end angles best, 4 quarters would get by) rather than only full circles would be REALLY handy. I have been drawing circles and then masking them with white-filled borderless squares - not exactly efficient! Any other ideas welcomed! I have drawn some arcs as lots of tiny line segments.
    I have used WMFs in some reports, but can have scaling issues - it's nice to be able to draw simple flow-charts or diagrams directly.
    The polyline from would allow faking of an arc to a sufficient precision - if we had that.
  • FAlvaradoFAlvarado US/Mexico
    edited 3:28PM
    I'll start things off with two of my regular "complaints"
    The Installation Process
    Revision Version Control (and its QA)
  • edited 3:28PM
    I would like to print labels and have the same functions as found in nicelabel
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 3:28PM
    Polomint wrote: »
    .. my regular "complaints"
    - Revision Version Control (and its QA)

    Just want to augment this "wish".

    Yesterday's update v5.6.6 includes a Changes.txt file (also present on the download page). This is an improvement on past practice where there was no indication of what an update might contain. But it looks very much like a manual add-on, rather than an integrated part of the RVC system used by the FR team.

    Case in point? The Changes.txt with v5.6.6 only lists changes made for v5.6.5 (or earlier) and not v5.6.6. Perhaps v5.6.6 was a procedural release only, and contained no new or changed functionality...

    So for those of us waiting for fixes to issues, there is no indication as to whether the current release should be installed.

    A more robust change log should be part of future RVC / Installation functionality.
    Cheers, Paul
  • gpigpi
    edited October 2017
    Perhaps v5.6.6 was a procedural release only, and contained no new or changed functionality...
    Yes. There are no any changes between 5.6.5 and 5.6.6. Both builds (5.6.5 and 5.6.6) was created in the one day to aligh build numbers in the and installer's filename
    It seems better to use "Current build" instead of last build number in the changes.txt
  • LurkingKiwiLurkingKiwi Wellington, New Zealand
    edited 3:28PM
    I've noticed this for a while now, but the entry page for FR5 VCL
    is often out-of-date.
    Currently it says
    Current version
    Build : 5.6.4
    Date : Sep 12, 2017
    but clicking on the Changes... link suddenly reveals that 5.6.6 dated 4 Oct is available.
    I only found out about the previous release long after it arrived because somebody mentioned the new version number on this forum.
  • I wish that the PDF Export was fixed, so that it does a proper exportation for RichText.

    It's a Major issue for me, and i wont drop 350$ on some 3rd party docEngine, just to be able to export this type of content.
  • gpigpi
    edited 3:28PM
    Jo??o Ferreira
    You may use PDF printer to get TfrxRichView as text in the FR5
  • gpi wrote: »
    Jo??o Ferreira
    You may use PDF printer to get TfrxRichView as text in the FR5

    Can't do that, i tried but the users wan't a direct export button like they had when the reports where made in DevExpress.
  • gpigpi
    edited 3:28PM
    You may change PDF button behavior in the preview
    unit Unit1;
      Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
      Dialogs, frxClass, frxExportPDF, frxPreview, frxDsgnIntf, Menus;
      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        frxReport1: TfrxReport;
        frxPDFExport1: TfrxPDFExport;
        SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
        procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
        procedure frxReport1Preview(Sender: TObject);
        procedure PDFExport(Sender: TObject);
        { Private declarations }
        { Public declarations }
      Form1: TForm1;
    {$R *.dfm}
    procedure TForm1.PDFExport(Sender: TObject);
         if SaveDialog1.Execute then
             //Print prepared report to PDF printer here
    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure TForm1.frxReport1Preview(Sender: TObject);
    var i, j, mi: integer;
           for i := 0 to frxExportFilters.Count - 1 do
               if TfrxCustomExportFilter(frxExportFilters[i].Filter).ClassName = 'TfrxPDFExport' then
           TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).ExportPopup.Items[mi + 2].OnClick:=PDFExport;
           for i:=0 to TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).RightMenu.Items.Count-1 do
               if TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).RightMenu.Items[i].Caption=TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).SaveB.Hint then
                   for j:=0 to TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).RightMenu.Items[i].Count-1 do
                     if TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).RightMenu.Items[i][j].Caption=TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).ExportPopup.Items[mi + 2].Caption then
               if TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).RightMenu.Items[i].Caption=TfrxPreviewForm(frxReport1.PreviewForm).PdfB.Hint then
  • edited November 2017
    I would love - if the previewform in unit frxPreview could be used to show multiple reports.

    If it is doable - then please advice me how :-)

    Would be perfect with a - AddReportsToPreview(ReportList: TObjectList<TfrxReport>) method :-)

    edit: Reports showing in separate tabs :-)
  • gpigpi
    edited 3:28PM
    Add TfrxPreview
    Set TfrxPreview.EachReportInTab to True
    Set TfrxReport.Preview := frxPreview1;
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 3:28PM
    Thanks for promoting this thread to the new Forum! [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /> Be interested vto hear if other Beta testers have new "wishlist" ideas... Cheers, Paul[/img]
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited March 2018
    OK well those of you who""; ] Wishlist from September[/url] (to improve the Installation Process) has not materialised.

    I'd like to add another piece to that "wish".

    Just this weekend I had to work on a laptop with a trackpad broken by Window 10 Update (!) and had to use the keyboard for everything.

    The FastReport Recompile Wizard has a seriously out-of-whack Tab Order and makes life for the keyboard-bound user tough.

    The attached image shows the order I divined from the Wizard Form.

  • gpigpi
    edited 3:28PM
    the label for Indy is "enabled"
    What is "Label for Indy"?
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited March 2018
    gpi wrote: »
    What is "Label for Indy"?
    Sorry GPI, I was unclear. The text prefixed with "6" (inside the purple box) is not "greyed out" although the "Focus Control" and associated Button are disabled!

    And as promised, here is the same analysis of FastCube recompiler.

  • gpigpi
    edited 3:28PM
    The text prefixed with "6" (inside the purple box) is not "greyed out" although the "Focus Control" and associated Button are disabled!
    Why it should be "greyed out"?
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 3:28PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Why it should be "greyed out"?
    You are right of course GPI, it is only a "style issue", but your UI is inconsistent if you don't do it for Indy, when you have done it for Teechart.

    Updated screen grab attached. Compare the contents of the green and purple boxes >[img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Cheers, Paul[/img]
  • gpigpi
    edited 3:28PM
    I think the text prefixed with "6" should have same behavior like the text prefixed with "3"
  • LurkingKiwiLurkingKiwi Wellington, New Zealand
    edited 3:28PM
    In June 2016 I asked in the forum:
    I see that PolyLineObject and PolygonObject have been added to the .Net edition of FR; will these be coming to the VCL edition as they will be extremely useful?

    I thought I'd had a reply at some point indicating that something like that would be in FR6 (and might justify the USD200 upgrade fee plus learning curve), but the current FR6 Demo doesn't seem to show anything like that.
    Has anybody with a full install found additional PolyLine/Shape Objects available?
  • LurkingKiwiLurkingKiwi Wellington, New Zealand

    Well here I am after paying to upgrade to VCL6, and AGAIN to upgrade to VCL2021, and 5 years later the PolyLineObject and PolygonObject STILL haven't made it from .Net to VCL.

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