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- AzzaAzza69
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When can we get a demo of Alpha 9 to try out (exe only would be fine for me)?
Thanks, Gord. Just as I thought, a workaround. Looks like I'll have to stick to our existing solution. Hopefully Alex will include this in an early 3.0x version?!
Thanks for reply but, again, as I stated: "b. I don't want to use a fixed width font..." to see what I mean: 1. drop 2 text objects on the FR 2. set both left value to same 3. enter "1234.5678" in first text box 4. enter "<3 spaces>0.123…
Thanks Alex but that isn't what I wanted! When there are numbers with no numbers after the decimal point (ie. 00) I don't want them displayed (see the number 2 in my original post). Also: a. certain items will have a different amount of decim…
Any ideas anyone? Alex?
He means in the Object Inspector!
Firstly, identify if the problem is with a jpeg or bitmap... try loading a bitmap in - if you don't get an AV, you need to ensure you have the JPEG define in fr.inc (also include the jpeg unit in your uses clause). you could also try creating …
Hmmm, I wouldn't mention QuickReport 4 if I were you Alex; it comes (albeit without sources) free with Delphi! *but* even though it comes free with Delphi, peple have still purchased your product as it was well supported and cheap (with source…
Make sure you aren't auto-selecting the printer via FastReport. File | Report Options | General | [ ] Select when report loaded. MAke sure this is not ticked.
I've been waiting so long for v3 (I first heard about v3 in my previous job and I've been at my new job more then 1 year and a half) that I don't know if it will even be worth the wait. the first version will undoubtly have some bugs (hopefully a…
I personally think this pricing structure is over the top considering that you can currently purchase v2.52 for $99 (which includes run-time designer, scripts, dialog forms and sources) or you can "upgrade" (I use the term upgrade lightly) to v3 wh…
I'll second that but purely on the fact that generally speaking components don't work with newer versions of Delphi and therefore need updating. Sometimes the company will provide the newer Delphi X component within a few days of the compiler being…
Damn. Alex...can you include a boolean option on the cross tab band to achieve this?
Its a bug/design feature... It looks like the AutoWidth is only used when displaying the text as the following script does exactly what you started the post with, ie. Width returns the design width and not the actual width. Memo1.AutoWidth:=Fa…
A quick workaround would be to bandalign the memo to baWidth and use the Center alignment.
Things that strike me with your 'IF' are: 1. it is missing a parameter. 2. if Dimanche is a variable it needs [] around it else if it is a string it needs quotes. try [IF([Qry."TDWeekDay"] = 1, 'Dimanche', 'Other')]
Previewing requires a printer to be able to render the pages (used to calculate page size/resolution/etc) so you WILL HAVE TO have at least one printer installed and select it as the default. A few pointers that will help find your AV: 1. make s…
If you want to set a FIXED with, I take it you have (obvious) changed the AutoWidth to False?! Else if you want to change the text in a memo (with AutoWidth True), try using Memo1.Lines[0]:='this is a long line of text'; in the memos' script window.
Des, Without wishing to upset you. ..but FastReport is a Report DESIGNER and not a Report GENERATOR! This request will more than likely be put to the very bottom of the wish list - along with other Report Generator options like the user being …
Ensure you have dropped a "TfrHTMExport" component on your form (or at least somewhere in your project) to link in the appropriate export filter.
As I traced it to the storing of the variant False to a WordBool, I have done some updating... I've was running D6 SP1 because when SP2 came out, I installed it but it broke a project I was working on (95 variant support). I have never been back …
Have applied the 2 changes (1. moving InitGroups and 2. adding DocMode) and it is still not working. I have investigated and can now narrow it down a bit further... As per my post of 12:39 pm, if I do this in the IDE using a TfrReport and prev…
I've already searched for all posts by Samuray - it reports the last post was 10-Dec - and I've already started looking at these - how far back do I go (or do you know the topic title) and what do the 'updates' fix (is it my specific problem)?
I'm running Delphi 6 and fr 2.51 - what and where are these "updates posted by samuray"?
Alex, I still can't hide 4 memos (2 column headings and 2 Master Data). My project is nearing completion now so I could do with an anwer. In the simplest test, a report with 1 ColumnHeader band. I drop a memo into the ColumnHeader band and pu…
Bumped to move to top of list... I still can't get around this problem...
GordK, change the OBP of my ColumnHeader band to read: begin if varShowCosts=True then begin mmoHUnitCost.Visible:=True; mmoHTotalCost.Visible:=True; mmoHVAT.Visible:=True; end else begin mmoHUnitCost.Visible:=False; mmoHTotalCost.Visib…
GordK... Thanks for the Variables tip (Dictionary.Variables instead of .Variable); I'll use this in the future. Another thing I noticed was the lack of [] around the variable name...are you saying I don't need them? But as I have tried a hard…
You will need to 'PrepareReport' in a thread to enable your application to be 'responsive'. Your application would have a 'Cancel' button that would set the Terminated flag against the FastReport object that is was preparing. All this is quite c…
Try setting: frReport1.Terminated:=True;