Border around master or detail band data.

al_nolandal_noland Tulsa, Oklahoma
edited 1:34AM in FastReport VCL 5
I am looking for a way to get a sub report to be outlined. I do not see any border options. I tried using a rounded rectangle and setting it to align to the band but it didn't resize. The sub report is nested in a master band. The master band resizes based on how big the sub-report is. I can't figure out how to get lines around all of it and it still be variable sized.


  • gpigpi
    edited 1:34AM
    Place TfrxMemoView with frame on the band with subreport, set TfrxSubreport.PrintOnParent = True, TfrxMemoView.StretchMode = smMaxHeight
  • al_nolandal_noland Tulsa, Oklahoma
    edited 1:34AM
    That is what I was looking for. Thanks for the help!
    gpi wrote: »
    Place TfrxMemoView with frame on the band with subreport, set TfrxSubreport.PrintOnParent = True, TfrxMemoView.StretchMode = smMaxHeight
  • al_nolandal_noland Tulsa, Oklahoma
    edited 1:34AM
    I am having an issue now where parts of the report are overwriting. The master band seems to be a fixed size and not resizing to allow for the sub-report being different number of rows for each row in the master band. Hod do I get it to space dynamically?
  • gpigpi
    edited 1:34AM
    Set TfrxMasterData.Stretched to True

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