FrxReport in Language Files

I have created multilanguage app with C++Builder 10.4 (Project/Languages/). However compiled language version causes access violation error when there is FrxReport component. Reason is that language files don't include FrxReport forms. I have to add them manually after compilation with Resource Hacker (TFRXBASEEXPORTDIALOG, TFRXCSVEXPORTDIALOG etc.).

How to include all necessary resourses at compilation time?


  • You should add all FR's units with forms (pas+dfm) in the ITE project

  • Thank you for your advice. However I have no pas files for the FastReport forms and C++ Builder doesn't allow pas files to projects.

  • Try to add dfm+hpp. May be it will works or ask Embarcadero how to use ITE with c

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