DX 10 Release version

How long, or by what cause, will DX 10 make it into Release?

Are there outstanding bugs, or are you letting a certain amount of time elapse before promoting it to Release?

I am asking because the last update was 9/14 and I cannot start using DX 10 until all vendor components have been updated to DX 10.


  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 1:09AM
    Is your question, "When will FR VCL 5 be available for Delphi 10 Seattle?" Because if so, we have had it from v5.3.14 (mid September) and just today we have v5.3.15 available for "D23" environments.

    Do you have the IDE Settings correctly set up (with "Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle" checked)? If not you mayn't be seeing these releases...
  • edited 1:09AM
    Polomint wrote: »
    Is your question, "When will FR VCL 5 be available for Delphi 10 Seattle?" Because if so, we have had it from v5.3.14 (mid September) and just today we have v5.3.15 available for "D23" environments.

    Do you have the IDE Settings correctly set up (with "Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle" checked)? If not you mayn't be seeing these releases...

    I am only seeing DX10 for current but not release.

    See attachment of my product listing.
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 1:09AM
    Bill E wrote: »
    I am only seeing DX10 for current but not release.

    See attachment of my product listing.
    The picture helped! [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> The good folk at FR have not created a major or minor release to coincide with RS10S so there is no "release" version (e.g. v5.4) but the "current release" (or "patch release") v5.3.15 is the full package.[/img]
  • edited October 2015
    Polomint wrote: »
    The picture helped! [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> The good folk at FR have not created a major or minor release to coincide with RS10S so there is no "release" version (e.g. v5.4) but the "current release" (or "patch release") v5.3.15 is the full package.[/img]

    But is it a bug free version? Way back when XE7 came out I had PDF export problems with the "current" version. Since then I have assumed "current" meant, "work in progress" or like a waiting pin to for "test with time".

    Am I wrong? Is it safe to use the "current" version? I have a mission critical system with not much luxury for failure.
  • gpigpi
    edited October 2015
    Any version is not bug free. For my experience "release" version have no difference with "current". So you should try to install latest FR and test it
    Look at the release FR 5.3 bugfix list
    - Changed default value of CodePage for Datamatrix, PDF417 barcodes from 437 to system default
    + Updated Danish language files
    - Fixed PDF export of object with double and single line in the frame
    - Fixed preview's page number after zoom
    + Added CodePage property for QR barcode. If CodePage <> 0 - ECI mode used
    - Fixed system color's exportong in the DOCX and XLSX exports
    - Fixed TfrxReportPage.PrintIfEmpty behavior
    + Added TfrxPreview.LoadFromStream method
    - [Lazarus] Fixed TFontStyle declaration
    - Fixed code pages support for Datamatrix and PDF417 barcodes
    - Fixed Interactive Chart report for FRDemo
    - Fixed text position for Rotation = 90, 180, 270 in the PDF export
    - Fixed object's moving for bands on the multi-column page
    - Fixed text position for text with one line and big LineSpa?±ing value in the PDF export
    - Fixed hint position for TfrxPreview
    - Fixed TfrxPictureView scaling in the PDF export
    - Fixed GetDefaultPrinter method
    - Fixed KeepHeader and KeepFooter behavior for databand with one record
    - Fixed width of text in the PDF export
    - Fixed object bounds calculation in the TfrxCustomMemoView.BeginDraw
    - Fixed Outline checkbox behavior in the PDF export dialog
    - Increased LargeDesignHeight multiplier from 5 to 8
    - Fixed INDY for HTML export
    - Changed default value of CodePage for Datamatrix barcode from 1251 to 437
    - Fixed BIFF export for Excel 2013 for reports with images
    + Increased cross-tab's max rows/columns/cells levels from 32 to 64
    - Fixed PDF's structure for encrypted files
    - Fixed object's exporting with Visibility = vsExport for PDF export
    - Fixed band's Fill editing when fill type changed
    + Added FetchAll property for TfrxFIBQuery
    - Fixed TfrxRichView for Windows 8
    - [Lazarus] Fixed picture/dataset streaming
    - Fixed picture cache for ExportMatrix
    - Fixed script inheritance
    - Fixed Rave->FR converter
    - Fixed FRF->FR3 converter
    + Added TfrxVisibilityTypes support in the report's script
    - Fixed restoring of preview position for last preview tab
    - Fixed bug with thousand separator in the TfrxXLSXExport
    - Fixed TfrxCheckBoxView scaling in the TfrxPDFExport filter
    - Fixed filter's filename during slave export
    + Report's script lines saving without right spaces
    - Fixed problem with TfrxDBXQuery parameters
    - Fixed exporting of page headers and page footers in the TfrxRTFExport
    - Fixed AV with TfrxReport.EngineOptions.DoublePass=True
    - Fixed vertical text alignment in the TfrxPDFExport filter
    - Fixed Farsi language files
    - Fixed object's content in the inherited reports
    + Added Tag property for report's objcts for 64 bit
    + Added TfrxCustomExportFilter.OnBeforeExport event
    - Fixed AV after closing of preview
    - Fixed TfrxReportPage.Frame size in the TfrxPDFExport
    - Fixed /Length entry in the TfrxPDFExport
    - Fixed TfrxRichView splitting
    - Fixed haBlock aligment in the TfrxPDFExport for some cases
    - Removed hints which appear on Chinese Windows
    - Fixed export of text with start/end spaces in the TfrxHTMLExport
    - Fixed problem with crosstab rendering in designer when column headers are disabled and AutoSize = False
    - Fixed HTML header in the TfrxHTMLExport when export called several times
    - Fixed bug with XLSX content if more than 1025 pages were exported as single worksheet
    + Added TfrxMailExport.SMTPStartCommand (HELO, EHLO) property
    - Fixed landscape orientation in the TfrxDOCXExport
    - Fixed width of font if it embedded into PDF document
    + Added numeric formats support in the TfrxXLSXExport
    - Fixed problem with content in the TfrxDOCXExport. Now first 63 columns will be exported only
    - Fixed thick frames for PDF export
    + Added TfrxPreview class in the frxClassRTTI. Now you can use TfrxPreview(Report.Preview).OutlineVisible := True; in the report's script
    - Fixed empty objects with numeric formatting to ODS and ODT formats
    - Fixed multiline text export to ODS and ODT formats
    - Fixed FR for FireDAC components
    - Fixed filling of TfrxPageFooter band and TfrxOverlay band with PrintOnTop = True
    + Added frame with different lines support for TfrxCheckView for TfrxPDFExport
    - Fixed external hyperlinks in the PDF
    - [FS] Fixed FOR statement debugging
    - Fixed empty TfrxPictureView's exporting to PDF
    - Fixed style simulation for Arial Narrow, Arial Unicode MS and Tahoma fonts in the TfrxPDFExport
    - Fixed error in the TfrxXSLXExport with 'Use report pages' option
    - Fixed AV in the TfrxXLSXExport
    - Fixed "IndexOutOfBounds(-1)" error in the TfrxPDFExport filter
    - Fixed bug with TfrxVarEditorForm and TfrxExprEditorForm for configuration with several monitors
    - Removed warning from the frxSynMemo.pas unit
    - Fixed C++ compilation errors for HTML export filters
    - Fixed expressions in the TfrxRichView for non-Unicode IDE
    - Fixed width of monospace font if it embedded into PDF document
    + Added TfrxReportPage.ShowTitleOnPreviousPage property
    - Fixed CurY position for groups on TfrxReportPage with several columns and PrintOnPreviousPage = True
    - Fixed style simulation for Arial Black font in the TfrxPDFExport
    - Fixed exporting of 2D barcodes to ODS and ODT formats
    - Fixed printing with custom paper size
    - Fixed HAlign and VAlign for Rotation = 90, 270 in the TfrxODSExport, TfrxODTExport
    - Fixed export numbers with leading spaces in ODS export
    - Fixed export text and number as number in BIFF8 export
    - Fixed Italic, Underline font style support in the DOCX export
    - Fixed StrikeOut font style support in the XLS(OLE), RTF, DOCX and XLSX export
    - Fixed "Integer overflow" error for PNG images
    - Fixed bug with preview with endless page and Collapse All
    - Fixed "Out of system resources" error during exporting of report with many images
    - Fixed "Variant or safe array is locked" error in the XLS(OLE) export
    - [FQB] Removed hint from fqbSynMemo unit
    - Removed hints from frxDMPExport, frxSynMemo and rc_ApiRef units
    - Fixed start column position for drill-down groups
    - Fixed problem with crosstab rendering in designer in some cases
    - Fixed expressions in the TfrxRichView for Windows8
    - Removed hint from frxExportPDF unit
    - Fixed CharSpacing > 0 error for haRight alignment in the PDF export
    - Fixed splitting in the TfrxRichView
    - [enterprise] client/server utf8 fix
    - Fixed TfrxFillEditorForm charset
    - Fixed Out of memory error in BIFF8 export filter
    - Fixed Unicode support for variables in the TfrxRichView
    - Fixed memory leaks in the PDF export
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 1:09AM
    Bill E wrote: »
    But is it a bug free version? Way back when XE7 came out I had PDF export problems with the "current" version. Since then I have assumed "current" meant, "work in progress" or like a waiting pin to for "test with time".

    Am I wrong? Is it safe to use the "current" version? I have a mission critical system with not much luxury for failure.
    We could start a different forum for philosophical discussions re software development!


    I get what you mean. Does the development team:
    - apply the same rigour in testing to minor and patch releases as it does to major releases?
    - just publish the latest harvest as "current" - as is?

    For example the Jedi Project practice is (2) "stable" releases and "daily builds". I can think of a lot of other cases of this. Perfectly valid in a collaborative / open-source world.

    But IME the FR team's practice is (1). The version numbering reflects more the delta in features / functionality. In our development we've not seen any difference in behaviour of our suite of programs since about 5.3.12. But that's fine for us.

    That is not to say that all releases are perfect.

    We did have an unhappy experience between 5.3.6 and 5.3.12 which almost required reversion to a previous release. As the FR website does not maintain multiple minor / patch versions, we do it ourselves. Hence the nervousness when 5.3.14 came out as the first RS10S compatible...

    It all depends on how they balance the targeted testing and regression testing in the test-suite. Regression testing is expensive (especially if you do not have fully-automated test-beds), and some development-shops do a kind of risk-weighted prioritisation on testing to cut delays / costs. Even with the best Regression Test Suite human fallibility means that gaps in the test-cases / test-scripts can be missed until something breaks!


    So it's your call, but I'd say 5.3.15 is looking good at OodnaData >
  • edited 1:09AM
    What is the difference between Release and Current?
  • gpigpi
    edited 1:09AM
    Bill E wrote: »
    What is the difference between Release and Current?
    See changes.txt of the current version

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