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thanks gordk, i tryed your advice ,but i still not work. ps: i try this GetObject(memos.Font.Handle, SizeOf(TLogfont), @lf); lf.lfWidth := 5; lf.font.name:='Arial Black'; //i add this one ,and in Report preview ,Memo2 's font is Ar…
yes i get it myself edit source/frxBarcod.pas procedure OutText; ...... case FTyp of bcCodeEAN8: // 8 digits, 4+4 begin TextOutR(3, 3, 30, Copy(FText, 1, 4)); TextOutR(35, 35, BarWidth - 4, Copy(FText, 5, 4)); end; bcCodeEAN…
thank you gordk! 1. i want to show EAN13 barcode on my report, 2.v4.7.88 have no change with barcode EAN13 3. unfortunately , i did not have a ticket for support , so , what i could do ? just laughing at my cat...
is it a bug? plealse give me a help thannks