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This (https://www.fast-report.com/news/fastreport-vcl-2022.2) seems to state even more explicitly that external resources should be possible...
From the release notes, it seems like external URL's should load... Or am i misunderstanding something here? "Added the ability to embed external images from HTMLView objects into rendered reports, as an internal or external cache." (https…
Interested too... Dit you find out what's the correct property to fill a HTMLView programmatically?
Solved: Turns out, i am using a version of fastreport.exe compiled by the vendor of my ERP Software. They had not added the frxHTML module, so it was not available to me. They now added it, but it's Button is a bit hidden, as there's no Icon on it: …
Hi , i am trying to use the HTMLView too, but i can't even get started. All info i have is in this link. Did you succeed with your issue? What does your code look like?
I had the same issue, not understanding how a FS unit should look like. What worked for me was the example on page 50 here: https://www.kapsw.cz/data/xinha/downloads/FastScriptDoc_en.pdf {**************************} { Unit1.pas demo } {************…
By accident, i found this to work: procedure Rich1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent); begin Rich1.RichEdit.lines.Text := '{\rtf1\ansi{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue255;}{\pard {\bBlah} {{{weet}}} {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "good.html"}}{…
Still annoyed by this. What i mean is: Most editors will move the cursor to the end of the line, if you click somewhere behind the end of the line. But the fastreport Code editor is different: If you click behind the end of a line, the cursor will …