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- keturpatel
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flogger123 wrote: » Looks like a deep issue to me. Found any luck here? Support ticket? Not yet.
Only solution for your problem is to use font which uses same space for each character and pad it with space. There are several fonts which you can use. my suggestion is courier new font. other fonts are sans serif, draft and roman fonts.
Only reason for not finding property in report object is because your version of fast-report don't have it. All you can do is replace it with latest version of fast-report. Or check if you can find TfrxDispatchableExports object and use second s…
can you clarify more your question? How you want your numbers to display? I think various options of memo view -> display format will help you. e.g. : To show right aligned numbers, use hAlign 'Right', display format category 'Number' and f…
No need to declare frxExport. You can directly write - Dim WithEvents frx As FastReport.TfrxReport Set frx = CreateObject("FastReport.TfrxReport") .... .... .... frx.PrepareReport (True) Call frx.Exports.ExportToPDF("\test.pdf", True, True, Tru…
gordk wrote: » When building reports from delphi code you can create events for the internal report script and connect them to objects. here is a sample. I'm trying to add event to memoview at runtime, but cannot find way to assign event…
Fit to Grid really works ! [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> but i cant understand logic behind this. maybe something out of my mind. thanks to gpi.[/img]
Here is report file. I have just put random text. Actual text will be filled during runtime. Report contains mostly memoview and some lineview & shapeview objects. just click preview and check it. It took almost 8 minutes on my pc to show pr…
Good work indeed. I have done many report conversions using notepad. Just open GDI fr3 file in notepad and use find and replace tool to replace TfrxMemoView to TfrxDMPMemoView and TfrxReportPage to TfrxDMPPage save file and th…
"system.InvalidOperationException: Ocorreu um erro ao criar o formul??rio. Consulte a Exception.InnerException para obter detalhes. O erro ?©: Falha ao obter a class factory COM para o componente com CLSID {4764040E-4222-4DEC-9F2E-82D46E212B3A} devi…
Dear OlegK, Thanks for reply. I have tried it several times with no success. I'm sending you a screen shot. just guide me where i'm wrong. I'm using Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider. When i'm using same report with my connection stri…
Dear OlegK I will check it. Thanks for reply.
Dear OlegK, Thanks for such a nice reply. This is all i wanted. Here, i would like to add one more question. Do you know, how to add a custom function in report using vb6 code? As this report will be created at runtime based on user's sel…
Dear OlegK, Thanks for reply. I had tried various option to achive the goal but yet cannot find exact solution for this. I am attaching Fastreport file as per your request. It contains two fields only. I want running sum of Qty field, whi…
Thanks very much for reply to OlegK. At first glance, it seems to be a perfect solution. Will try it. Thanks again. KETUR
I think you need to download a latest setup and try it. I am also evaluating fast report with vb6 and i also did tried to find more examples, without any success. I you find some, please forward them to me also.