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In c# I write big reports int file system, wit this. MemoryStream resultFile = new MemoryStream(); exportpdf = new PDFExport(); exportpdf.ShowProgress = false; exportpdf.Compressed = true; exportpdf.Background = false; exportpdf.TextInCurves = false…
I think you can make use of the parameters available in the reports. https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/561/HSB6YF41XJJY.png And the .NET code for set parameter value. Report reportFRX; reportFRX.Load("XXXXXX.report.frx"); reportFR…
Yes, I never use an object like a data source but Yes! it is possible. You can use Json data like a source, an use Newtonsoft to convert object to Json. Another option is fill data set from the object and then use dataset like a data source. and sor…
yes, somethig like this, exportpdf = new PDFExport(); exportpdf.ShowProgress = false; exportpdf.Compressed = true; exportpdf.Background = false; exportpdf.TextInCurves = false; exportpdf.PrintOptimized = true; exportpdf.ImagesOriginalResolution = fa…
What are you hoping to see? everything looks good I share with you this sample code for generate PDF Report with .Net. https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/664/QAQQJ43QA7LL.png I hope this code can help you. private static void GeneratePDFRepo…
https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/552/A8LWO810OQPV.png In Version=2022.2.17.0 this config disappeared
https://forum.fast-report.com/en/discussion/comment/43313#Comment_43313 Yeah that's right. But without "exportpdf.EmbeddingFonts = true;" I have cases like this (image) https://forum.fast-report.com/en/uploads/165/CXW3YEJNSD42.png I really…