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- h.landsheer
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Hi GordK, I have installed the JVCL library and found that I have to change the RxRichEdit refrences in either JvRichEdit or JvxRichedit. What was your choice? Further, I have looked in the documentation to find something about using mulitpa…
I have used the following procedure: 1. Put a parameter in your RichTextObject on your report, for instance [MyRtf] 2. Create a TstringList 2. Put your rtf-file in the TStringList 3. Add an OngetValue procedure to your frReport Some code:…
Thanks. I 'll try the RXLib version, try setting newpage in the obp event. I have not yet worked with sperate design pages, but i'll dive in that as well.
I have seen the same problem. It seems that it results from not exporting the page orientation and the margins. However, if you set the margins, and page orientation correctly in Word ( and sometimes you may also have to correct the tabs) , the resu…
I have used a separate stringlist to add several strings and then used ParValue := MyStringlist.Text in the GetValue routine. But I have also used constructions like; 'MyText'#13#10'Moretext'. It worked for me. If you want to add sever…
I have tried another approach for creating the report. I have used a TfrUserDataset to walk across calendar days. This works excellent: it takes about 40 seconds to create the report . So it is faster than QuickReport using composite reports. It …
I don't know which tool you use for localization/internationalization, but if you use Borlands ITM (a part of Delphi Enterprise), you have to rebuild your internationalization files with the Resource DLL Wizard. In one of the screen you can add dfm …