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- devoas
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The reports working proper on fast report 2017 editions but having problem with 2019 edition. Seems some changes applied which break the reports working.
ipong wrote: » FastReport.Report report = new FastReport.Report(); FastReport.ReportPage reportPage = report.Pages[0] as FastReport.ReportPage; reportPage.UnlimitedHeight = true; This is working properly and export files without page b…
Can you tell me how to set UnlimitedPageHeight in FastReport.Report rpt object . This is mentioned in document but cannot find the exact property where to set. I want to set it before generating excel file. So may be I have to do nothing related to …
Thanks alot for your detailed reply. Following points need more assistance, as we are creating excel outputs from Web Viewer, 1. How I can bind the given code on Web Viewer Export/Save options/buttons. Are you suggesting to create another button …
Thanks Ipong, I have already added --kiosk-printing in Chrome shortcut but still I still need to preview the report and click print button select - Print From Browser and then it print directly to printer and open another tab/windows thru which goo…
Happy New Year!. Its really good idea to enable click event on Column headers and sort report based on it. If you create any sample pls do share here. My question was that ClickEvent as per documentation can be attached on any object. But if y…
WOW, its working, I used your frx file and attached Business Object to test it and its working .... For just a test, i added ClickEvent=\"Text3_Click\ on text2 and text5.... Noted that test2 responded for Click Event but text5 which is from Detail B…
I am still not able to run this. Can you please post complete class file for a simple report. I tried inputting following text in Custom Hyperlink but its not showing clickable on preview, neither any click event working. HyperLinkExpression= " INS…
Hi Ipong, I just saw new version of FastReport 2017.1.13, changes say [WebReport] - fixed bug with handling of onClick event in WebReport Just to test, I made a report, with Hyperlink Type Custom and attach Click Event but its now showing a …
Finally get this working. You are my hero. Thanks alot. I made a mistake and that was removing the method CalcExpression, which was initially causing error from generated C# file. That is why in javascript call instead of value, it was [Datasource.…
Its just a typo error in copying part of text from actual code. As in actual code, this name is also passed by report caller... So corrected here             InternalDataSourceName = "MyDataSource"             rpt.RegisterD…
Really appreciate your effort to help me. Basically we are creating reports (frx) files without any predefined datasets, as we are attaching reports with Business objects at runtime, hence in frx files there is no DataSet defined. To run the repo…
Thanks alot for quick reply. Actually, we are setting/registering data dynamically on report run. Data source is not defined in FRX and in design time. On Runtime we register Data and bind textboxes with particular fields. Can you give any idea how …
I am trying this in Report after getting it converted to C#, as we are using Class files instead of frx files. 1. When I tried to add HyperLink Expression, when generated C# file, it added a code, which is throwing Error: CalcExpression ... Why …
Thanks for the detail and quickest reply. Can you please share similar code for calling Asp.net instead of MVC. One more point is that we not using .frx, rather we convert into class and add C# in project and then create its object. So should we…
http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/13802 wrote: http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/13802 [/url] Line object is rendering if height property not zero. ??? If we change the Height of Line object, it will n…
http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/13802 wrote: http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/13802 [/url] Line object is rendering if height property not zero. ??? If we change the Height of Line object, it will n…
Hello everyone, I am still not getting any reply from Support on this issue either on ticket neither on this forum.... Is there anyone who can help me... Thanks. devoas.
Unfortunately not get any reply from thru Support Ticket... I believe any existing members having expertise in FastReport.Net can help in this matter... Simply I need to disable Page Break in Export to Excel - thru Web Viewer....
gordk wrote: » these are peer forums use the support ticket system instead. Thanks for your reply. Its good to know that ticket system is actively responding but what I think that these tickets will only be viewable to the user who raised t…
Hello, Is there any one in support who can reply.... I believe Fast Report's support is slow.... Forum post are not responded by support team regularly. Comparing it to other reporting tools forum like telerik, it seems fast report forum is almo…