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we are use itextsharp and bouncycastle for pk11 sign
http://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/?p=/discussion/14722 wrote: https://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/index....c=14722&hl=[/url] Thank you for answer. yes. i see your answer link. and I used the sample you sent. but you change xml. May…
lukas wrote: » Hi,I loaded webreport from SQL and save it to the Memorystream. And i need to show data in webreport on webpage(NOT SAVE TO FILE..). My code: Webreport webreport=new Webreport(); webreport.Report.RegisterData(ds, "prodejDataS…
I found solution private void Table1_ManualBuild(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSourceBase data = Report.GetDataSource("TESTKALEM"); data.Init(); DataSet DS=new DataSet(); XmlDocument doc=new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data["XMLDATA"].…
I found solution. DBcon.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select RPT from TEMPRPT where IDX=@IDX", DBcon)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("@IDX", SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDX; var varArray = (Byte[])cmd.ExecuteScalar(); ms = new MemoryStre…
hello to everyone. thank you for your answers. I could not answer because I'm out of town. I found the solution as follows. in c++builder op=DM->frxReport1->FindObject("FDATABASE"); dynamic_cast(op)->SQLDialect=3; dynamic_cast(op)-&g…
I turn off FrxReport1->PrinterOptions->showDialog.But it is Show then I call FrxReport1->Print .