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  • I would suggest, as a medium-long term project, to split the FR logical in model, viewer, and designer modules. Now it is a monolithic block and hard to isolate the functionality. In this way, it would be easier for us to migrate to Mono, at least…
  • I have turned off the "Convert null values" but the problem is the same. Under the primary Y axis, it shows 0, and under the secondary Y axis, it shows 15. In the dataset I do not have any numeric value, just one null and other are texts like monda…
  • As suggestion, if it is possible, I would ask it for a future release. I think that it is very common scenario. You could add a empty item in the "Decimal separator", indicating to use the local settings, just how FR4 is working now with good resul…
  • Can you let provide me with a basic guide? Which function or source file do I need to modify mainly? Thank you
  • Well, playing a little more I have isolated the problem, nothing related with my tag question. It seems that it occurs when there I add more than one line in the SQL. It seems to work with other connections, but not in Firebird. For example: 1…
  • Great, how can I add programatically the parameters? I see SetParameterValue() but it seems to assign values, I would need to register it in FR with name, type and value. Thank you
  • Yes, I know, in fact, it is how I solved it FR4. However, using the power of .Net I hoped that this new version offers a more sophisticated way, like Binding.Converter for forms. The problem is that I need to add "FormatDate" function in all date b…
  • Done, see the solid contour, it is 100%, but then the tool bar and the "paper" is not correct.
  • I have done it, but now the result is worst. The contour line is effectively the 100%, but now the "paper" is smaller, maybe a 20% of the screen. Is there another property to change? Thank you
  • Sorry, you are rigth. FbConnectionStringBuilder accepts Server or DataSource, they are equivalent. Thanks
  • Finally printing support for Silverligth is available in the new version 4. See I hope that this helps in your decision to offer a SL viewer in a future. Silverlight 4 is consolidatin…
  • Alex, Regarding "there is no c# scripting (CodeDom) - you can't use scripts in a report", yes I agree, but I think that the script could run in the server side, just like now the FR Web works. In fact, I think that most of Silverlight users only …
  • Do you have a tentative date to incorporate drill-down in the web report system? (in next weeks, months, years, ...) Thanks
  • I am also very interested on charts. Do you have a tentative date to offer the charts? I know that it is after the FR release but it would be great to have a roadmap to get a big picture. Also, as I said in a past message, I wold ask you consider t…
  • I know that FR Net is just released, but it would be great if you consider in your long term roadmap to offer a report designer based on Silverlight, so it could work under Winforms and Web. By the way, do you have roadmap (month or year based) ?…
  • Thanks for your prompt reply. I have few questions more: 1) Do you plan to include vertical bands in a future? If not, is there a way to get a similar result with the FR .Net? 2) Is there discount for current users? I cannot see it in the pur…