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  • Here is the struct.fp3 file in question, in case that helps.
  • gordk wrote: » try setting the visible property of the subreps masterdata band in its obp event obp event? So in the masterband I set the visibility of the subrep's masterdata? But how do I make sure that it is only for the same field?
  • gordk wrote: » is there a field that is common between the two Yes, they both have a field called 'siSite'.
  • Edit: Never mind. I sorted it out. Using the FRDemo as my base, I figured out how to work with DataSources and MasterFields, MasterSource and IndexFieldNames. It's a little confusing at first, but once you understand it, it makes sense.
  • gordk wrote: » obvious you answered your own question. you must supply rtf formatted text to the tfrxrichview memo. Couldn't I just use TfrxRichView instead of TfrxMemoView for all data text elements then, even if they never use RTF? Surel…
  • gordk wrote: » whish you would have stated that earlier. I do apologise! But thanks for all the helpful replies. I have made significant process so far.
  • gordk wrote: » in design mode select the memoview on the right hand side select the events tab the dbleclick the desired event and you will move to the code page, where you can write the code Ah well, I am actually creating the whole repo…
  • gordk wrote: » look at the properties that can be set for the bands ie: printchildifinvisible bands can only grow NOT shrink set the band stretch prop and the memo's stretch mode, wordwrap etc very seldom do you need to try to manipulate desi…
  • gordk wrote: » you could add y and z to attached child bands the band containing y can have its visible prop set in the obp event I tried that, but then both bands disappear, because the children occur in order: X -> Y -> Z, and if a…
  • Thanks for the quick response. However, it seems to me that when I do this in a 'BeforePrint' function, this seems to manipulate every occurrence of the band, which I only wish to manipulate individual occurrences. I want the band to collapse in s…
  • That worked. I went a bit of a different method for the highlight condition, because the regular version would still highlight them regardless of the Group Header. So instead, I created a script variable that is increased on each print of a row, b…
  • gpi wrote: » Try to use condition like FormatDateTime('', ) Thank you, that worked excellent. It was actually for a Memo.Text, but still; great. What confuses me, however, is because your suggestion - which works - contradicts w…