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- Mikael
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Okay, problem 1 solved It seems that ReportTree and Inspector properties has been added to the Designer by Alexander Tzyganenko
Okay, problem 2 solved The size (width) of the Tree Data form is for some reason set to 0, and is therefore not visible. If I just set the width to e.g. 150 when setting DataTree.Visible to true everything work fine.
I have the same problem. But I cannot use PageFooter because I use it for something else. So I try to use the ReportSummary band. But there is a big (for me at last) problem. The band is printed at next white space. I really need it to be printed…
I need to print very large grids, so the bitmap approach is properly not the right solution. Here is what I plan to do: 1. Have an empty fastreport component on my form. 2. Design the report by code. Something like this: var  page: TfrxRe…
Hmm.. So you are not able to use forms that inherits from forms that use fastreport components?!! That is pretty bad component design! /Mikael
Thanks. I will try that. Regards, Mikael
Hmm... Thanks for the reply. Perhaps FR is not able to print a stringgrid with formating automatically, but I can not believe that is in not possbile to do it somehow. If we take a look at the PrintStringGrid demo, I wonder if it is possible …