Kalle Anttila
Kalle Anttila
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- Kalle Anttila
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gordk wrote: » since your datafield only contains file locations create a variable and connect it to the datafield that has your file info. in the obp event of the pictureview object or the band that contains the pictureview, write code to load …
gpi wrote: » Uninstall FR, install FR again and remove frxpnglang.pas, frxpngimage.pas from LibD9 folder The stangest fix instructions ever. And worked like charm... Thanks! Kr, Kalle
Hello I am so happy not being the only one getting this error. I am using XP as well, with Delphi 2005. I installed the Fastreports 4.12.15 on my computer to convert some old Rave reports to take everything the XE3. However as the FastReports …
Hi I downloaded the convert application from this chain and it was quite impressive. The layout and sub-sections and others were perfectly converted. However, the data connections were not. I also tried to install the FR trial, version 4.12.15…